Support Marijuana Legalization in California!

Treating marijuana use as a crime has failed.

Prohibition has fueled the illicit market and wasted millions of our tax dollars — and communities of color have been the most targeted and injured by the unequal enforcement of these laws.

But we can change that. This November, Californians will vote on the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA) to responsibly legalize marijuana in our state.

States that have already legalized are reaping the benefits: Colorado and Washington have raised millions in tax revenue and saved millions of dollars in law enforcement resources. And California's independent Legislative Analyst's Office estimates that this initiative could generate up to $1 billion in revenue and $100 million in savings annually for Californians.

Legalizing marijuana use in California will stop the needless arrests destroying so many communities and drive hundreds of millions of dollars into our economy.

Sign your name to support marijuana legalization in California!

Paid for by Californians for Responsible Marijuana Reform, sponsored by Drug Policy Action
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