Save The Amur Leopards

  • par: Annelisa Johnson
  • destinataire: Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation
There are only around 30 Amur Leopards left in the wild, and only 10 purebred animals in captivity. Poaching, illegal logging, illegal fires, and a massive proposed agricultural development look set to push this big cat to extinction in the very near future.

The petition will also be sent to 4 other relevent Russian government contacts - please see the 'more information' link for information on this and more on the Amur Leopard.

Sign this petition Today and help save this great Leopard!

Attn: Vladimir Putin

We, the undersigned implore you to take action today to save the Amur Leopard

We wish to register our concern for the Amur Leopard, of which only 20-40 remain in the wild and only 10 purebred animals remain in captivity. Sharing the same habitat of the Siberian Tiger, this sub-species of leopard is by far the largest. It is known for its beautiful spots and long fur reminiscent of a snow leopard.

We beseech you to ensure that the utmost be done to prevent the extinction of the Amur Leopards. We call for:

  • Increased crackdown on illegal poaching.
  • Increased protection and guarding of reserves including a reduction in illegal fires, logging and hunting of the Leopards' prey species.
  • A review of the Tymangan basin cultivation program, to minimise effects on the Leopards, and creation of more reserves, including the joining together of existing reserves.

There is no time to waste. Please take action immediately to help save this great animal!
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