Implement Conscience-Enhancing Malice-Weakening Neuroactive Chemical Mixture In Interrogations

  • par: William Clark, none
  • destinataire: pharmaceutical company CEOs, police chiefs, directors of the
The technology of conscience-enhancing malice-weakening neuroactive chemical mixture would be extremely useful in interrogation for the purpose of preventing crime and terrorism. However, it is necessary to overcome several large obstacles in order to implement it.
With relatively few exceptions, criminals do unjust acts and belong to one of two large psychological
groups, which overlap. Those two groups are as follows:

1. the ethically indifferent criminal: This type usually consists of people that do crimes of greed, vice, or
other pleasure, such as petty theft, grand theft, burglary, robbery, fraud, rape for the purpose of sex,
drinking alcohol under the legal age, drunk driving, drug use, bribery and corruption for the purpose of
greed, tax cheating for the purpose of greed, and extortion for the purpose of greed. This type sometimes
overlaps with the next type, the malicious criminal, because the ethically indifferent criminal has little
conscience, as is also the case with the malicious criminal. Criminals of this type may have judgment that
ranges from very weak to very strong, and their specific degree of judgment is demonstrated by the risk
of their specific crimes.

2. the malicious criminal: The people of this type sometimes do the same crimes as the ethically indifferent
criminal for the purpose of causing chaos. This type usually consists of people that do such crimes as
slander and libel, framing, harassment and antagonism, intimidation, vandalism, rioting, disturbing the
peace, excessive force (done by police officers and prison guards), gang activity, brutal initiation rituals;
assault, domestic abuse, or murder that is done out of dominance, territorialism, or fanaticism; rape and
pedophilia for the purposes of dominance and antagonism, cultist crimes such as abortion clinic bombing
and islamic-imperialist terrorism; underhanded business practices, bribery, and corruption for the purpose
of dominance; extortion for the purpose of dominance or antagonism, and antagonistic aiding of the
malicious acts of others. Criminals of this type may have judgment that ranges from very weak to very
strong, and their specific degree of judgment is demonstrated by the risk of their specific crimes.
Malicious criminals, unlike the ethically indifferent criminals, idealize their crimes because they idealize
malice, meaning that they are often very dedicated to successfully doing them rather than giving up, even
when they are against great odds. That makes the malicious criminal much more destructive to society
than the ethically indifferent criminal, especially in the case of malicious criminals that have strong
judgment, as is evident by the 9-11 terrorist attack, the establishment of various theocratic and fascist
regimes throughout history, the cases of organized gross nation-wide slander and libel during and after the
liberation of the people of Iraq, and the popular deception that the empathy-weakening drug MDMA
increases empathy. Possibly the only malicious criminalistic act that has not been officially illegalized is
antagonism, though the act of antagonism can still serve as an unfailing sign of malicious criminalistic
character, and can therefore lead to further suspicion and investigation.

Both of those two types are characterized by having criminalistic character. There are some criminals that
do not have criminalistic character, such as poor people that steal in order to live adequately, children that
have not yet developed strong restraint and steal out of covetousness despite their conscience, and
conscientious people that bring justice to people that have done malicious criminalistic acts in a manner
that is outside the law. There are also a few crimes that are not destructive to society, such as truancy and
statutory rape, meaning that people of conscientious character might do them. None of such criminals have
criminalistic character, and are best collectively named 'criminals by circumstance'. There are also the
criminally insane (i.e. criminal schizophrenics), who constitute a very small portion of criminals and are
characterized by being naturally destructive to society due to their distorted sensory and cognitive
sensations, regardless of whether or not their intentions are good or bad.

A technology has been devised that is extremely useful in combatting criminals of the two main types,
including terrorists, and determining whether a known criminal is motivated by genuinely criminalistic
character or by some other, more benign factor. The only type of criminal that the technology has no
application for is the schizophrenic criminal.

It has been discovered through extensive psychological and neurological research that empathy, which is
the psychological basis of civilized society, and which prevents the crimes listed above in #1 and #2, is
caused by a fine, clear manner of perceiving reality, which is in turn caused by the neurotransmitter
receptors H1, M1, and M3, and that aggressive anti-empathy, which causes the crimes listed above in
#2, is caused by a crude, blind manner of perceiving reality, which is in turn caused by the
neurotransmitter receptors 5-HT2A, 5-HT2B, and 5-HT2C. Receptors that begin with 5-HT denote
receptors of the neurotransmitter serotonin. In malicious people, serotonin acts as a neurotransmitter fuel
of malicious pleasure, which is why frustrated angry aggressive people have low serotonin in their brains,
whereas hedonistically aggressive people have high serotonin in their brains. More specifically, the
5-HT2B receptor causes intimidating aggression, whereas the 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors cause
antagonistic aggression. Fanatical aggression is a combination of intimidating aggression and antagonistic
aggression. Intimidating aggression especially works against empathy with the weak, whereas antagonistic
aggression especially works against empathy with victims. Every person is malicious and lacking
conscience to some extent, and that is socially accepted, but it is a matter of degree of said traits that
separates the non-criminal from the ethically indifferent criminals and malicious criminals. There are also
secondary neurological mechanisms that regulate the activity of the aforementioned receptors. From that
information, a combination of pharmaceuticals has been devised that acts on both the primary receptors of
conscience and malice and the secondary neurological mechanisms that regulate their activity. That
mixture of neuroactive chemicals may be called 'conscience-enhancing malice-weakening neuroactive
chemical mixture', or more efficiently, in an abbreviated form, 'c/m mixture'.

C/M mixture may be applied to criminals, suspected criminals, terrorists, or suspected terrorists in the
form of a solid powder or liquid solution that is ingested, a liquid solution that is injected via syringe or
projectile dart, or an aerosol that is inhaled. Obviously, c/m mixture, in one or another of it's forms of
conveyance, would be very effective in preventing malicious crimes in progress or preventing suspected
criminals from acting unexpectedly aggressive, but for that purpose, c/m mixture would be little more
effective than arousal-decreasing neuroactive chemicals, so there is only moderate application for those
purposes. There is though, one purpose for which c/m mixture is revolutionarily useful, which is
interrogation, which will be described next. There are some neuroactive chemicals that can greatly reduce
the effectiveness of c/m mixture, meaning that people that are to be interrogated should have their blood
screened for such chemicals.

When a person that has done an unjust crime(s), is planning to do an unjust crime(s), has a generally
malicious or otherwise unconscientious criminalistic character, or knows of others who have done an
unjust crime(s), are planning to do an unjust crime(s), or have a generally malicious or otherwise
unconscientious criminalistic character (this applies to terrorism and terrorists as well), and said person is
being interrogated about said things, there are multiple reasons why they may not admit them. Those
reasons are: 1. They are malicious and therefore desire that the malicious acts be done and that malicious
pleasure be felt, 2. They have little or no conscience, and/or 3. They are afraid of punishment or relatively
harsh prophylactic action. If c/m mixture is applied to such interrogation suspects, then reasons #1 and #2
would disappear, although in cases of criminals that are characterized by extreme indifference, it will be
necessary to add adrenergic-enhancing, noradrenergic-enhancing, and histaminergic-enhancing chemicals
to the mixture. It is not necessary to eliminate reason #3 in order for criminals and terrorists to confess the
crimes that others have done in the past (which reflect criminalistic character and for which other people
may be falsely accused), crimes that ones self or others are planning to do, or the malicious or otherwise
unconscientious criminalistic characters of ones self or others, for the purpose of preventing any other
such unjust actions, meaning that c/m mixture alone would be extremely effective for those purpose. Such
people that are interrogated with c/m mixture would be very willing to have themself and/or other
malicious or otherwise unconscientious criminalistic people subjected to humane prophylactics, such as
sterilization; loss of the right to vote; loss of the right to own firearms; a permanent search warrant;
electronic position tracking; monitoring, recording, or marking communications; and public marking so as
to identify a person as a perpetrator of specific unjust actions, such that people and police know to be
distrusting of them. If c/m mixture were used in that manner, then criminal and terrorist acts in the future
may be cut by more than half, not mentioning the additional decrease that would occur in the future
generations as a result of sterilization (due to the fact that the genes determine a person's neurochemical
traits). Such prophylactics would also serve to identify the perpetrator of a crime more quickly after it is
done. C/M mixture can also be applied to known criminals to force them to state honestly if their crime(s)
was done out of malice, ethical indifference, or a more benign factor, such that if and only if they were
motivated by criminalistic character, then the prophylactics would be applied to them. However, in the
cases of crimes that ones self has done in the past and may still be punished, it is necessary to eliminate
the fear of punishment or relatively harsh prophylactic action such as execution in order for an interrogated
criminal to confess to them. For such cases it would be necessary either to waive the punishment and only
subject the criminal to the humane prophylactics, or in cases of larger crimes, to subject the perpetrator to
permanent segregation from society in a manner that is more justified and inexpensive than the modern
prisons which reward aggressive behavior between inmates with non-intervention and do not require the
prisoners to cover their cost. If that is not possible or desired in certain cases, then the less effective
conventional methods can be used in said cases instead.

Unfortunately, most of the neuroactive chemicals that are required for the mixture are not currently
produced in large quantities, are difficult to obtain, are only used for experimental purposes, are subject to
ridiculous restrictive laws, are patent-protected by specific companies, and/or are produced by
companies that are obscure and/or foreign. Also, because c/m mixture is a revolutionary technology, some
people in power are likely to desire not to manufacture it or implement it for fear that it might not work
(despite strong neuropsychological evidence) or that it might disrupt the current methods. There is also a
danger that the countless malicious power-abusing cops and countless secretive unempathic criminals in
society would oppose the implementation of this technology, as it would identify all of them, prevent their
future crimes, and frustrate their malice. If such people are politically powerful enough, than this
technology might never be implemented, despite it's great usefulness. However, c/m mixture is not merely
a new technology that can be given up due to difficulties in it's production and sales, but it is a technology
that can reduce criminal victimizations by a very large portion, so it must be implemented regardless of the
obstacles. In order to convince the various necessary companies to manufacture and sell the necessary
chemicals in the requisite quantities at a fair price to the police, the intelligence agencies, and the military,
and to fulfill any time-consuming legal requirements that are necessary in order to do so, it is necessary to
get the support of many citizens, police officers, police chiefs, city officials, members of the intelligence
agencies, and/or members of the military. Therefore, we the undersigned affirm that we desire that the
manufacturers and/or potential manufacturers of the component chemicals of conscience-enhancing
malice-weakening neuroactive chemical mixture manufacture said chemicals in the quantities that are
required for their use and to offer to sell them at a fair price to the police, the intelligence agencies, and the
military, and we desire that the police, the intelligence agencies, and the military implement this technology,
and furthermore we will tell others of this technology, it's importance to society, and the petition to
implement it, as doing so is necessary to get widespread support.
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