Protect the Health and Safety of California's Young Women

In November's special election called by Governor Schwarzenegger, Californians will see a dangerous initiative on the ballot. Californians will have an opportunity to vote on a parental notification measure on a woman's access to abortion, which threatens the health and well being of young women in our state.

Real family communication begins at home, not at the ballot box. The best way to protect our daughters is to begin talking to them about responsible, appropriate sexual behavior when they're young and to continue to keep the lines of communication open as they get older. Our focus should be on prevention of unwanted pregnancies through comprehensive sex education, counseling and access to contraceptives.

This proposed amendment to California’s constitution, known as Proposition 73, would do nothing to reduce the number of unintended teen pregnancies - pregnancies that have in fact declined 40% in California over the past decade without government mandates like this one!

Join us in opposing Proposition 73, because parents and teens need real world solutions, not constitutional amendments.

I am writing to express my deep concern over the proposed amendment to California’s state constitution to require parental notification by teens seeking to terminate unintended pregnancies.

We believe real family communication begins at home, not at the ballot box. The best way to protect our daughters is to begin talking to them about responsible, appropriate sexual behavior when they're young and to continue to keep the lines of communication open as they grow. Our focus should be on prevention of unwanted pregnancies through comprehensive sex education, counseling and access to contraceptives.

As it is written, this proposed amendment to California’s constitution will do nothing to reduce the number of unintended teen pregnancies - pregnancies that have in fact declined 40% in California over the past decade without government mandates like this one.

I urge you to oppose the Parental Notification and Child Protection Act, because parents and teens need real solutions, not constitutional amendments.

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