33 Million Hit by Floods in Pakistan: Cancel the Debt for Devastated Communities

33 million people in Pakistan were hit by devestating floods last year - even now vast swathes of cropland and villages remain under water. However, this year alone, over US$20 billion in debt payments will be claimed from the people of Pakistan by foreign lenders and will leave the country. 

The debt crisis is draining funds from lower income countries just when they need it most. All over the world interest rates are rising. And countries least responsible for the climate crisis are facing the biggest costs.

Over the coming months key international meetings with world leaders are taking place. This is a crucial time to make sure our voices are heard.

With over a quarter of all countries already in debt crisis, please will you join the global campaign to cancel the debt for climate justice. 

Sign the petition to demand that our government supports:

  • a fund for the loss and damage caused by the climate crisis and for debts to be automatically suspended when climate catastrophes hit
  • climate finance to be given in grants, not loans, so that climate vulnerable countries do not go into more debt
  • debt cancellation for all countries that need it, and change the system to prevent future debt build up.
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