A demand for Quality of Life, the Right for Change, A Safe and clean Living Enviroment We demand to be heard. & our needs addressed. Therefore we submitt this petition to formulate a Tenant Association that our needs be heard.

The residents of 4275 Park have been the subject of theft by individuals inside and outside our homes, Security is not paying attention and this compromise or Safety. We have 333 cameras yet we are still living in unsafe living conditions. Non access to amenities promised but not available. We are Exposed to criminal activities supported by unethical residents within our building, robberies, prostitution, assaults, sexual predators, undesirable hanging in the upper floors, sleeping in our mailroom Hiding in our stair hallway making it an unsafe environment for women and children. We demand to be heard and our needs addressed. Therefore we submitt this petition to formulate a Tenant Association with the building. People and their non desirable company who pose a threat and danger to our community and environment should have their tenancy addressed as stated in our policy and procedures " You are responsible for your visitors". This is not being adhered to and should be addressed appropriately. Their are Residents who's behavior is unethical and non desired within our resident population. Their criminal activities are more than desired according to our leasing agreement.

It is our desire to meet on these concerns, however the opportunity at 4275 Park has not been offorded to us and we demand to be heard. We were promised monthly meetings to address concerns, but this has never occurred our been considered at this time.

We the residents of 4275 Park Houses reserve the right to address the issues concerning: Our living conditions, safety and security, use of facility community multipurpose rooms, facility infustructures in our apartments addressed, use of Laundry Center 24 hours as stated as an amenity agreement upon lease signing.

The individual(s)seen stealing on camera should be removed from our resident population. However the concerns of safety ( security) are now an issue.

We the residents of 4275 Park Avenue demand the return of the security both with a posted guard daily who will address those entering the premises resident or otherwise. No more broken promises from the administration of Park Houses.

Our final request is to have deliveries for residents save and secured. For those not home, packages are suggested to be kept in one of the current multipurpose rooms which are not being used, that were promised access for the resident population .

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