Change Amazon policies

  • da: Kenneth
  • destinatario:
It's no joke that I'm not the only one who's been ripped off by I have been a loyal member of their website since 2009 and lately have had packaging problems so to make a story short I sent them back and I don't know what had happened maybe they got lost in the mail how ever has closed my accounts for the following reasons.


A careful review of your account indicates that you've requested refunds/promotional certificates on a majority of your orders for a variety of reasons.

In the normal course of business, we expect there may be occasional problems. However, the rate at which such problems have occurred on your account is extraordinary, and it cannot continue. Effective immediately, your account is closed, and you will no longer be able to shop in our store. 

All other accounts related to yours have also been closed. If you were to open a new account, it would also be closed. We will not accept the return of any additional orders placed under a new account, and we won't issue further refunds for those orders. We appreciate your cooperation.

Going forward, any questions must be directed to Please do not contact Amazon's Customer Service department, as they will no longer be able to assist you.

Best regards,

Account Specialist
Instead of further researching the problem they would rather ignore me and not let me have my account back and close it rather then talk with me and help me solve this issue. 

I have tried doing my best to work with their Account Specialists but they just don't want to admit them selfs wrong, As I have told them I have no control over my account just read this previous email they have sent me.
All my actions have been done with their chat reps that means their chat reps have reported me for requesting something? That's like asking some random person for $50 dollars and them giving it to me could an officer arrest me for that hardly doubt it.
They say I abuse their terms but they have failed to shown me proof that I have done anything wrong at all all they have said is we have evidence and they refuse to show me the evidence.
I know that I am not the only people facing problems just look at these.$3000-20080128111860.html
If you would like to help me see justice with this please sign this petition and or contact me with ideas and suggestions on how I can work with them.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Chat Convo 2011/Tuesday/September
Last updated: 2011/Tuesday/September  
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