Economic Strike Against the 1%

The only thing that will weaken the powerful is a unified economic strike.

Writing to legislators doesn't work.  Protesting draws attention, but is forgotten as soon as parks and other public meeting places are forcefully cleared.  The 99% is angry, and only the 99% is listening.  NOW IS THE TIME FOR ACTION!

The most powerful tool that the 99% has is its money.  If the 99% were to unify in a systematic economic strike against the 1%, that minority would have no choice but to submit.  They are only powerful because we give them our money.

Let's stop giving them our money!

Imagine what would happen if...

  • The 99% pulled all its money out of big banks and moved it to local credit unions and other community-based financial institutions...
  • The 99% pulled all its money out of Fortune 500 stocks and reinvested it in socially-minded and environmentally-friendly ones...
  • Other economic strikes were to occur...
The 99% could begin to get its voice back!

Sign the pledge to participate in Strike 1: Withdrawal

By signing this petition, you pledge to withdraw any money you have saved in one of the big banks and to move it to a local financial institution of your choice on 12.1.11.

Let's see the attention this gets!
Firma la petizione
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