Extend David Earls' Sentence For Raping 4-Year-Old Girl


Tell Judge Tom Bartheld how you feel about this and this is not enough for the innocent little girl and all children in the world!

Associate District Judge Tom Bartheld, Co-Chair, Judges Helping Judges Committee, Pittsburg County Courthouse,
115 E. Carl Albert Parkway,
McAlester, OK 74501,
(918) 423-6479, Fax: (918) 429-0945,


What about other children on the streets?  Just because he is going to be registered as a sex offender, it does not mean they are safe.  Registered sex offenders do strike again!  David Earls had a history in the past with shooting a man in 1982 and assault and battery in 1996, which he was to serve for 20 years but got out 7 years later after he was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

This little girl and her family did not get justice!  Getting David Earls registered as a sex offender and one year in prison is not enough and the Judge did not agree to give him a more severe punishment.  This girl is now scarred for life, traumatized emotionally and may have a difficult time trusting people older than her.  We do not want this for her or any other children! 

What makes the court think with his history, he is not going to go out in the streets and cause trouble again like he has been since 1982?  Extend David Earls' sentence and ask Judge Tom Bartheld to step down as judge!
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