Fire the Police Deputy Who Slugged a Disabled Woman

There were two trained police deputies and only one disabled woman on a public bus in southern California. But somehow the deputies could not resolve their conflict with the woman without slugging her.

It's still not clear what the confrontation, which seems to have been initiated by the deputies, was all about. What is clear is that a uniformed deputy slugged a special needs woman hard enough to make her lose her balance.

That's known because good samaritan Jermaine Greer happened to film the episode on his cell phone. What's more, the deputy in questioned threatened to arrest Greer for not handing the video over. 

Greer, a trained Army soldier who fought in Afghanistan, told NBC he was surprised to see a trained police officer punch a civilian. It seems the army does a better job of teaching its officers how to engage.

Tell the Bellflower Metro Police to fire the deputy in question.
We the undersigned ask that you fire the deputy who hit a disabled woman on a bus in southern California. Though we do not know why the police engaged the woman in the first place, the recording of the event made by Jermaine Greer shows that there was no need to resort to punching. It appears your deputies just didn't want to take the trouble of engaging her more compassionately. Please fire the deputy in question and make sure your police force is up to date on engagement strategies.
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