Stop corruption in the South African government.

  • da: no sponsor
  • destinatario: All South African political leaders and democratically elected guardians.
The whole world embraced the 1994 democratic elections in South Africa and the world continues to embrace our country, called the Rainbow Nation. For South African's such as myself, the last 16 years haven't had much of an impact on my life - I always loved South Africa, I still love South Africa and I will always love South Africa. But I am considered to be one of the fortunate.

However, since the Jacob Zuma administration was democratically elected into power, our country is getting raped... on a daily basis, as our newspapers carry at least 3 - 5 corruption stories a week. Corruption at the hands of our councils, ministers and government - from the very top of the food chain, all the way down to our civil servants on the streets.  And the funds stolen each time are not small amounts by a long shot... these days each case seems to average 2.5 million ZAR to 5 million ZAR ( 360 000 USD to 700 000 USD) per crime.
And as we watch our municipalities and communities go bankrupt one after each other, ordinary South African's who are residents in those communities pick up the pieces and fund the services themselves to salvage their communities and property investments. But "operation salvage" can be done, as the extra resources are there.

But what about the rest of our beautiful country and our fellow South African's that still have nothing? Those that still don't even have water, a roof, sanitation or a meal? They could of had it by now, but those representing government in these portfolio's are stealing billions of USD a year from these South Africans.

What about the 100's of 1 000's of South African children that still don't have schools and a basic education? Their dream for a future taken away by greedy government officials that have stolen billions.

Everywhere you look in South Africa - if there is money involved, or a tender process involved - some greedy government representative starts to live the life of Brian overnight, as their people go hungry night after night. These are the guardians that the poor elected because of promises to eradicate challenges that many South African's face on a daily basis that no person should be endured to... like walking 10's of kilometers to get fresh water.

And as the richer get richer, the poorer get poorer. The social classes are becoming so extreme as a handful of previously disadvantaged South African's control our country's wealth and what they don't control, corrupt government officials are stealing. And the poor now face new challenges over and above the old challenges. Now while walking 10 km's to get fresh water for their families, they are beaten, raped and often killed as society amongst the poor fights for a much smaller piece of the pie (due to government theft & corruption) that must now also feed all the refugees and illigal immigrants that crossing our collasped borders in droves each day.

There are too many corruption cases to mention but there is one that deserves a mention...

President Jacob Zuma's nephew (Khulubuse Zuma) in partnership with former president Nelson Mandela's grandson (Zondwa Mandela) bought a mine (Aurora) in February this year out of a liquidation sale. From the day the mine was purchased it faced financial problems and while it operated as usual after the purchase, the staff and labourers weren't paid. Eventually when the mine was temporary closed while the stakeholders secured additional, the staff were promised their owed wages by May 2010. They are still waiting - all 4 100 of the employees. We now get news reports about the staff vandilising the mine and its supporting structures, taking everything they can carry, so they can sell it to feed their families. While just last week, Zuma's nephew attended a wedding sporting his latest toy - a 2,5 million ZAR (400 000 USD) Mercedes Bentz -  while newspapers that very weekend were still voicing the plight of his 4 100 starving employees at Aurora mines that haven't been paid their wages since February 2010.

We are a country gripped in the devastating storm of corruption - and in the absense of conscious as they drive past the poor looking for a handout on the way home. The democratically elected South African government is endorsing the corruption by not acting in the best interest of South African's by stopping it in it's track's.

As South African's, we need to take a collective stand and root out the corruption by forcing government to act against those stealing the future of fellow South African's.

By signing this petition, we are voicing our concern and right as a democracy to demand that government roots out and criminally charges corrupt officials so South Africa's wealth can be evenly and fairly distributed to those that elected and trusted these guardians to give them hope.

By signing this petition, we demand that as the guardians of South Africa and her Rainbow Nation, you stop your brothers and sisters stealing from the mouths of the poor for their own personal gain.


Photo caption: President Jacob Zuma's nephew that is responsible for his starving 4 100 employees.

For additional reading: Read the editor of Noseweek's letter  (Martin Welz) this month in the November issue of Noseweek - it perfectly captures South Africa is it is today. Visit and follow tab - "Regulars".
Dear Guardians of the Rainbow Nation,

By not rooting out, criminally charging and expelling corrupt officials in our government, you as our guardians are saying the following to us, your people:

  1. Even though South Africa democratically elected you to build a better future for all South African's, you do not care about the democratic process and the value it engraves in the minds of your people - as you will steal the country's money and food from your people regardless;
  2. You can take from your people for own personal gain and advantage, as you are entitled -  like that of a dictator;
  3. You do not care about the future of South Africa and even though you see small children crying from hunger each day, it will not worry you as it is not your children;
  4. By the elected opposition political parties not rallying South African's to take to the streets in protest, you endorse the theft;
  5. Lastly, you do not care about the dream that was painted on a canvass by our legendary forefathers of democracy - with the leadership of Nelson Mandela. You laugh behind their backs as you mock and belittle their vision and hopes for all South Africans.
As your nation, your people - we ask that you proactively root out and name and shame all officials that are crippling our country's resources, stealing from the poor, denying our youth an education and above all, making a mockery of the years that our forefathers of democracy sacrificed in the name of freedom. A fight that took many lives, still bares many scars - so that all South African's could wake up one day with hope.

We ask you, our elected guardians - please don't take away our hope.

  1. Take a proactive stance against those stealing our resources;
  2. Form a concrete plan of action;
  3. Put corrupt officials behind bars;
  4. Call in private enterprise to manage the strategy - from investigating, to expelling, to navigating and installing processes and finally - to manage the daily activities and running of our resources.
Government departments are already admitting their short-comings in managing and running their divisions as businesses. Calling in private enterprise to assist or take over is not admitting defeat - but rather showing the nation that you care.

Show your people you are the guardian.

And you will always bring hope.
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