Stop the dog meat farms in Asia now!

  • da: Andrea Hixson
  • destinatario: End dog meat farms and festivals. End the abuse.

Millions of dogs are slaughtered each year for festivals in North-Korea, South-Korea, Vietnam and China. Some dogs and cats are stolen pets others are kept in farms where they are forced to live in the same small, cold cages with other dogs until they are hanged, beaten are boiled alive for food. It is not only the thought of eating a dog that turns my stomach, the inhumane treatment dogs endure before being mercifully slaughtered outrages the sensibilities of all westerners. The owners of these dog & cat meat farms don't care for their welfare they feed them garbage which includes rotten meat and even their own dead relatives. They are packed into small cages that are never cleaned. This is the only life they know and you can help stop it. End the abuse! We don't have to eat everything that has 4 legs

Aggiorna #18 anni fa
Please Donate to Adak's Surgery Here

When Adak was taken to the vet we were thinking of putting him down because he was in such bad shape but the look in his eye told us he wasn't ready to go. Turns out he has some infected teeth that need to be pulled and it's going to be expensive. If they aren't pulled he will keep having infections. Adak is a fighter so please donate towards Adak's surgery so he can have the second chance he always deserved.
-Andrea Hixson
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