Get Justice for Amari Altomore

    A 16 year old child (Amari Altomore) was killed by his “friend” (Terry Newton) & his killers mother (Taneisha Thompson) was given immunity to testify but the murder was committed by her son in her house while she was present. She didn’t help the victim Amari, (who was a familiar fixture at her home & who he considered a second mother), she led him away from her house so she & her son wouldn’t be implicated (it was caught on camera) & she never rendered aid or tried to help him. She also lied numerous times to the police about what happened. She helped her son flee & hide to avoid his imminent arrest. She would only testify at her sons preliminary hearing if she was given immunity. I’m imploring the District Attorney and/or Assistant District Attorney to please revoke her immunity so she can be tried also. Amari & his mother Bethany Altomore deserve justice. Everyone involved in Amari’s murder & subsequent cover up should be held accountable.
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