Stop The Madness! Help Us Save Our Marine Eco Systems! STOP OVERFISHING!

Overfishing and other harmful fishing practices are among the most serious threats facing not only our ocean, but our entire planet. They're also completely avoidable.

We are calling for decision-makers at every level to do the right thing to help end overfishing and protect our oceans.

We believe we can create a new kind of fishing for the future: one that delivers healthy ocean ecosystems, strong economies and vibrant coastal communities.

It's time for people like us to stand up and start a change. It's time for us, as a nation, to end overfishing and put forth a forward-thinking, science-based vision that guides our relationship with the ocean.

Please add your name to our 2016 Exhibition petition to end overfishing and protect our oceans by letting our governments and the United Nations know ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!


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