No pardons for Trump! Demand that presidential candidates and governors pledge not to do it

  • da: Left Action
  • destinatario: Presidential candidates and relevant governors

Donald Trump has been indicted on 37 charges for federal crimes and will face trial. But Republican presidential candidates are already being asked to sign a pledge that they would pardon Trump if they win.  Some are even calling on President Biden to pardon Trump in advance of a trial!

Let's make this clear: Trump should NOT get a pardon. No way, no how, NO.

And the president isn't the only person who could issue a pardon – governors  also have that power when it comes to Trump's state-level investigations. And with a presidential election on the horizon, we can't leave it up to chance that someone (even Trump himself) pardon him. 

Trump needs to face the music for his crimes. He is not above the law. Add your name to demand NO ONE issue Trump a pardon >> 

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