Please Free Ms. Beatrice Smith-Dyer

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger,

We are writing to ask you to uphold the Board of Parole Hearings' decision to grant parole to Beatrice Smith-Dyer. Ms.Smith-Dyer has spent over 16 years at the Central California Women's Facilty (CCWF) on an 18-years-to-life sentence for the death of her abusive husband.  The Board of Parole Hearings found Ms. Smith-Dyer suitable for parole on May 12th, 2009, and we urge you to support the Board's decision to release her. 

Ms. Smith-Dyer takes full responsibility for the death of her husband and has consistently expressed deep remorse for taking his life.  Since entering prison, Ms. Smith-Dyer has acted responsibly and with humility.  She has an impeccable disciplinary record, with no write-ups in her 16 years of incarceration.  Ms. Bea has no other criminal history or history of violence.  She has expressed tremendous compassion as a volunteer with the Hospice Program and in her work as a Peer Health Educator.  She is known as a leader among her peers at the Central California Women's Facility and is a trusted advisor and mentor to many other women. 

She has utilized her time in prison to the fullest advantage for her personal and professional growth.  She has been active in Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, helping countless others overcome their addictions.  She has also been active in the Women's Advisory Council, and has completed programs in paralegal studies, office service studies, and machine transcription. 

Given Ms. Smith-Dyer's behavior while in prison, her deep commitment to serving others, the insights that she has gained into the commitment offense during her incarceration, and her strong ties to her family and community, we have no doubt that she poses no risk to public safety upon her release.  We strongly believe that she deserves to be released, and urge you to uphold the parole board's decision to release Ms. Smith-Dyer on parole.

Thank you.

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger,

We are writing to ask you to uphold the Board of Parole Hearings' decision to grant parole to Beatrice Smith-Dyer. Ms.Smith-Dyer has spent over 16 years at the Central California Women's Facilty (CCWF) on an 18-years-to-life sentence for the death of her abusive husband.  The Board of Parole Hearings found Ms. Smith-Dyer suitable for parole on May 12th, 2009, and we urge you to support the Board's decision to release her. 

Ms. Smith-Dyer takes full responsibility for the death of her husband and has consistently expressed deep remorse for taking his life.  Since entering prison, Ms. Smith-Dyer has acted responsibly and with humility.  She has an impeccable disciplinary record, with no write-ups in her 16 years of incarceration.  Ms. Bea has no other criminal history or history of violence.  She has expressed tremendous compassion as a volunteer with the Hospice Program and in her work as a Peer Health Educator.  She is known as a leader among her peers at the Central California Women's Facility and is a trusted advisor and mentor to many other women. 

She has utilized her time in prison to the fullest advantage for her personal and professional growth.  She has been active in Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, helping countless others overcome their addictions.  She has also been active in the Women's Advisory Council, and has completed programs in paralegal studies, office service studies, and machine transcription. 

Given Ms. Smith-Dyer's behavior while in prison, her deep commitment to serving others, the insights that she has gained into the commitment offense during her incarceration, and her strong ties to her family and community, we have no doubt that she poses no risk to public safety upon her release.  We strongly believe that she deserves to be released, and urge you to uphold the parole board's decision to release Ms. Smith-Dyer on parole.
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