My spouse and I (and my entire family) has been tripled hit w/ Judge Alsop from Webster County, WV.WV state offices dealing with CPS are removing children and not placing the children with their families, adopting children out, endangering children, and a few children have ended up dead in CPS care when the children should have been placed with families first. WV agencies are making money removing kids and creating jobs. There is a serious problem in WV. It is legalizing "kidnapping" through WV state agencies and court system in WV. State agencies are making money removing kids.Children are being removed to create jobs for the state of WV and provide federal fund to the state without the consideration where a safe environment would actually be. My two daughters Kasandra Utt and Breyana Utt were arrested in December, 2017. My spouse and I have legal guardianship of Kasandra's 4kids. CPS denied my spouse and I the rights to Breyana's kids. Breyana commented in writing and in person for her children to be with her parents. My spouse and I have clean backgrounds, drugfree and married 30 yr.Breyana's two kids are in the process of being adopted out to 75-year-old great-grandmother Marianna Morrison, which is on oxygen, in-and-out of the hospital, using a walker, and has had drug trafficking in her household for years. Recently, her daughter Ruthanne Westfall was murdered or had overdosed. Her livin teenage adopted Grandchild Cheyenne is abusing her. Morrison's nephew John David Jordan is a WV State police officer. IN THE INTEREST OF ELI HUNTER MCCALLISTER Case CC-04-2017-JA-91-MYA NIKOLE MCCALLISTER’S ORDERS: PERMANENT PLACEMENT REVIEW HEARING (RELATED CASE NO: 17-JA-92) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF BRAXTON COUNTY WV BEFORE HONORABLE JACK ALSOP (REF CODE 19USCMA1) -- BREYANA UTT vs. WVDHHR\BRAXTON COUNTY CPS, ANTHONY MCCALLISTER (Filed with the Supreme Court) Breyana never failed drug test. Worked on Pipeline. Showed proof of home. Supreme court is corrupt 2
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