More Than Me, Movement

  • da: Rose Deal
  • destinatario: Anyone Affected by Children's Lives

I'd like to take the time and thank everyone for supporting me. If we have not met before I hope we have a chance to get to know one another. Either way thank you for taking your time to care, support, sign and foward. Every signature matters for my children and future children who will be affected.

Gabriel Ivan (G) and Ariel Rose Marie (Mookie) deserve their right to speak and see both parents as long as those parents are alive and well. Life, liberty and the pusuit of happiness have been branded by America characterizing those freedoms within a family unit. My children have been denied those rights and so have many other children due to other peoples selfish behaviors. I am asking you to stand up with me and Partner with the More Than Me, Movement.

Children have a mind... Children have feelings...

Children have a Voice... And, it's their time to be Heard...

Attached you will find a petition that I will be bringing to court arguing my case on Parent ALIENATION Syndrome and the effects it has on children. My hope is to not only bring my case to light but to help others suffering from similar situations. It is called the "More Than Me, Movement". Showcasing how its NOT about the adults in a situation its about the child in the beginning, middle and end. And, they will Always be worth the Most!

Aggiorna #24 anni fa
The Naive Alienator
The Active Alienator
The Obsessed Alienator

Parental alienation syndrome is a term coined by child psychiatrist Richard A. Gardner. The concept of one parent attempting to separate their child from the other parent as punishment or part of a divorce have been described since at least the 1940s, but Gardner was the first to define a specific syndrome. In his 1985 paper, he defined PAS as a disorder that arises primarily in the context of child-custody disputes.
Aggiorna #14 anni fa
OCTOBER 20, 2019 We will be meeting on the Ventnor Boardwalk in support of those victims of PARENT ALIENATION Syndrome. There will be a few speakers as well as a mile walk to bring the community together and find a voice for the voiceless!
Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione
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