Stop the Bullying and Abuse of Homeless People in Public!

On May 11, 2017, a man who said he was Mr. Kremintz, a supervisor of US Postal Office at 1618 Alhambra Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95816, bragged about pouring his water bottle on an elderly homeless man. He admitted he tells homeless folks to leave because they bother the customers. The homeless have not been reported to be begging or bothering anyone. His treatment of underprivileged folk is unconstitutional and cruel.

Sign this petition if you believe Mr. Kremintz is wrong and that homeless individuals have the same rights as everyone else. This means, within reason, they can stand wherever they like. Any verbal insults or physical assaults should be punishable by law if he continues. The US Postal Office should not condone his behavior.

On May 11, 2017, a man who said he was Mr. Kremintz, a supervisor of US Postal Office at 1618 Alhambra Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95816, bragged about pouring his water bottle on an elderly homeless man. He admitted he tells homeless folks to leave because they bother the customers. The homeless have not been reported to be begging or bothering anyone. His treatment of underprivileged folk is unconstitutional and cruel.

Sign this petition if you believe Mr. Kremintz is wrong and that homeless individuals have the same rights as everyone else. This means, within reason, they can stand wherever they like. Any verbal insults or physical assaults should be punishable by law if he continues. The US Postal Office should not condone his behavior.

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