Unite and Save the Cheetah - Extinction is forever!!!

This petition is part of the "Big On-line Cheetah Conservation Discussion". Please all sign and share this petition to show you are all interested in saving the amazing wild cheetah and that you are supporting the mission of this cheetah project, to achieve that everybody will give the same message and strive towards the same goals to associate in the difficult task to try and keep enough space for a self-sustaining and healthy population of the fastest cat on land to roam freely. Remember that extinction is forever: just think about the subspecies of the cheetah in India.

Threats to the cheetah:
– Lack of genetic variation

- Conflicts with humans/landowners

- Lack of suitable habitat – still decreasing fast. What's destroyed will forever be lost!

- Constant threat of bigger predators, inside the protected area, such as lions, hyenas, baboons, leopards...and humans, who are everywhere!

- Removal from the wild/free roaming populations

- Uncoordinated/unsuccesful reintroductions

- (Trophy) hunting

- Babette De Jonge -
Wild Cats World
Wild Cats Magazine
Spotted Cats Conservation
Stichting Leeuw






MISSION (of the on-line discussion and this petition): (Trying) to achieve a mutual understanding and respectful association between (all) Cheetah conservationists, projects, scientists, businesses, (government) officials, and communities benefiting the wild cheetah. No more fights and lies in conservation, only (mutual) focus: the survival of the cheetah. It is very important that everybody gives the same message and strives towards the same goals and that duplication is prevented.

The signatures will be collected by the iniator of this project and will be a guide-line in the project and hopefully to matters that are decided in the discussion with all conservationist. At a later stage will be decided to whom the signatures would be handed in order to achieve what we want in Cheetah Conservation.

So please sign and share as much as you can, the more signatures the more support we have in our plead to join forces and save the cheetah - today before it is too late!

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