Give those on Canada disability Pension (CPP) dental benefits

  • da: Arlette King
  • destinatario: Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario Canada /Dr. Eric Hoskins premiere of health and long term care

People receiving CPP , Canada pension , that are disabled are on a lower fixed income than most. We are disabled and unable to work, how can we afford to have our teeth taken care of ? Poor health ,loss of sleep and inability to eat because of pain truly effect the quality of life.

People receiving CPP , Canada pension , that are disabled are on a lower fixed income than most. We are disabled and unable to work, how can we afford to have our teeth taken care of ? Poor health ,loss of sleep and inability to eat because of pain truly effect the quality of life.

Aggiorna #110 anni fa
We are getting there , I have contacted government officials and a local newspaer. Fingers are crossed.
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