Bring Ashlee Graham Back to FetishCon

Please bring Ashlee Graham back to Fetishcon Petition

Ashlee Graham was abused at one of the Fetishcon and unfortunately lashed out her anger at the Fetishcon team. She has apologized repeatedly to the producers of Fetishcon and regrets her brash behavior. This petition is for the Fetishcon team to reconsider lifting her ban, as we miss Ashley, and the con is not the same without her and her S'mores. She also misses her friends. She's been, as it seems, on great behavior lately. If you also miss her, sign this petition to show the Fetishcon Producers she belongs there and is loved! Maybe if they see how much she is wanted back, and she promises to behave, they'll change their mind and she can be back for the epic 20th Anniversary of Fetishcon.

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