fix the dress code at westmoreland high school

    I’m starting this petition because first I want many young girls to feel safe and to feel welcomed when they come to school and not be put down for what they wear and getting shamed for their bodies, second I've tried many times to reach out to my principal to people around the school and nobody listens so I’m speaking up now and hopefully get the word out that the dress code is disgusting and hurtful to young girls that go to our school. An important issue in our school that needs to be fixed is our dress code. !! Dress code is sexist and is very hurtful to these young girls. It teaches them that our bodies are provocative and sexy. By banning things such as no shoulders or skin showing is also teaching them that our bodies are our objects and that they are a distraction. For male students there are barely any dress code regulations, and make students get away with the dress code more.

    Male students barely get in trouble and they never get scolded at, and if a male cannot control themselves around a student for what they are wearing they are the problem!!! In some cases the dress code can make you be sent home, how does a hole in my pants take away from my learning from my education!!! Even if they didn’t send home the change of clothes, calling the parents takes out time from our learning !!! And if a male student got dress-coded they wouldn’t be sent home. It's just showing that a woman's education is less valued than a males education!!!

    The Dress codes perpetuate the vibes of “women must protect themselves” instead of teaching men to behave themselves and act like decent human beings. We, as a society, should not be teaching young girls and women how to protect themselves from being raped.

    We should be teaching men not to rape. Let’s be real,curvier women are really targeted with these dress codes. If a young female with bigger breasts wears a low cut shirt and her friend with smaller breasts wore the same shirt the girl with bigger breasts would be more likely to be dress coded. There is nothing wrong with your curves. All bodies are beautiful, but dress codes shame women for having a larger bodies With all the sexism aside, dress codes are just dumb. Sometimes it is super hot in school. Why can the students not wear tank tops and shorts? A lot of schools will not let any shoulder show. They just limit the number of clothing students can wear. They prevent many students from expressing themselves. Dress codes subject all children to a form of oppression Dress codes should be changed to be more inclusive. People of any race, size and gender should not feel discriminated against in a dress code

    If this school really actually cares for their students they will take this petition into consideration and take off harsh regulations on the dress code.
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