Punish Trump for using his surrogates to violate the gag order

Donald Trump's gag order restricts what he can say, so Republican surrogates such as Senator Rick Scott and Speaker Mike Johnson have shown up at the court to say horrible things in Trump's place.

There's just one problem -- the order also restricts Trump from directing others to say things that violate it. And it looks like Trump was caught doing just that:

"Trump actually described Johnson and the other Republican lawmakers who have stood by him at the courthouse as his "surrogates." He praised them for "speaking very beautifully." Perhaps that's because — as journalist Andrew Rice told MSNBC he witnessed — Trump edited and made notations to their talking points while he was sitting in the courtroom." (Political Wire)

This is a no-no. Trump violated the gag order -- again. It's time for him to go to jail.

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