Induct Trooper into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame

Veteran Vancouver rockers Trooper are seriously overdue for induction into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame! After yet another year of being ignored by the selection committee, a group of their Vancouver supporters including legendary DJ Red Robinson, AM650 morning show host Stirling Faux, 24 Hrs. columnist Joe Leary and editor Dave Chesney have combined their energy to express their displeasure with this glaring oversight on the part of CARAS.
Trooper fans, from their home turf of Vancouver, to right across Canada and beyond, are invited to join these media vets to ensure that Trooper’s multi-decade contribution to Canadian music is properly acknowledged by the country’s music establishment. Trooper members are not involved with this project. Lead singer Ra McGuire has publicly stated Trooper’s wish to remain apart from any movement to elevate them to Hall of Fame status. His friends in the media community and his fans across Canada understand McGuire’s wishes, and are therefore taking it upon themselves to protest the exclusion – again – of one of Canada’s best-loved rock ‘n roll bands!
Help us out – do your part – sign the petition and let’s raise a little hell for Trooper!

PS. We'll posting articles below citing the tremendous support we have from passionate supporters like yourself of this deserving initiative.


Rick Mercer on Trooper - Courtesy of Joe Leary

Dear CARAS Selection Committee,

I, the undersigned respectfully request CARAS to induct Trooper into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame at the next available opportunity. I ask the Selection Committee to entertain this request as soon as possible and to respect the wishes of Trooper fans and supporters, from all across Canada and around the world, to see these iconic Canadian musicians elevated to the Hall of Fame, a reward they richly deserve!


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