South Korea: Please Ban the Slaughter and Consumption of Dogs For Bok-Nal NOW!

  • da: Victoria Salter
  • destinatario: South Korean Government Departments and Officials

On the three hottest days of the year, known as Bok Nal, many South Koreans eat a traditional dog meat soup thought to cool them down and have health benefits. It has been said that one million dogs will be slaughtered for Bok Nal this year.

On dog meat farms in South Korea, puppies and dogs are kept and bred in filthy cages with faeces and sometimes the dead, decomposing bodies of other dogs. They are (at least sometimes) fed "food" out of the trash - often the bodies of other animals, including other dogs. They are then crammed into crates, jabbed with poles and taken to be slaughtered by electrocution or even by being hung and then beaten to death.

Some South Koreans have their own dogs and are against this. However, some South Koreans still eat dog meat and pay for this horrific cruelty to be inflicted upon these poor dogs. We cannot let one million dogs (or any dogs at all) be slaughtered this year for Bok Nal, or ever again!

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