We Need Justice for Chihuahuas Rescued in Animal Hoarding Case in Tulsa

  • da: SUE LEE
  • destinatario: State Legislators, Tulsa Government Officials

Twenty-five Chihuahuas were found in a disgusting, hoarding situation recently in Tulsa, Oklahoma. People absolutely love dogs but with some it develops into a hoarding situation which involves more than just love.  It may be an illness and obsession to take in so many dogs that they cannot all be cared for properly. The rescuers from the Tulsa Humane Society said that such a disturbing situation is all too common.

The woman of all these dogs refused to sign the animals over despite their horrifying condition.  Most were emaciated and ill.   A no-kill shelter stepped in to rescue the Chihuahuas.  The woman was reported by locals in the area.  All the dogs need medical care, spaying, neutering, to be vaccinated and wormed and, of course, fed. 

Nothing happened with this woman to stop such abusive and cruel behavior.  They were called back to the home a week later to find numerous more dogs that she sent to the yard in order to hide them from the officials. REALLY?  How can they miss them if inspecting all of the property.  It took another call by concerned citizen to get authorities back to the home!  Something must be done to stop these hoarding situations!  We need justice for the dogs like these starving, abused Chihuahuas and punishment for the abusers in order to STOP THE ABUSE AND CRUELTY!!!

State Legislators, Tulsa Government Officials - Please enforce stricter laws against animal hoarding and make communities more aware of the illegal practices so all can work together for the justice and welfare of the animals.  Not only do they have to suffer at the hands of the hoarders, who may not have ill intentions initially, the people will continue these devastating practices without legal interaction.  Implement some laws for punishment and treatment of these individuals in order to STOP THE ABUSE AND CRUELTY of these precious animals without a voice!!!

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