Extend Our Season - We've More Than Paid For It

  • da: Neville Allen
  • destinatario: East Lincolnshire Caravan Park Owners And ELDC

There are nearly 30,000 caravans permenantly sited along the East Lincolnshire coast. The owners pay thousands of pounds each year to the park owners in site fees to be allowed to use these caravans.
Many of these caravans have cost a small fortune to purchase and establish, with the majority of this money spent within the local economy.
Year on year the site fees increase yet the owners of these caravans are forced to abandon their investment at sometime between mid-October and mid-January until sometime in early March.
This is no longer acceptable in todays society.
It is now the time for immediate action from these site owners. It is time for consistency in your opening period.
We constantly hear that sites close as the area has virtually closed down. We hear that the caravans are cold in autumn weather. We hear that the weather isnt suitable for caravans.
We want all sites to open on March 1st
We want all sites open until 30th November AT LEAST.
We pay our fees which increase every year yet we see no increase in season length. In fact many parks close earlier now than a few years ago. This is not progress.
We work hard all year, we want to be able to relax all year wherever possible.
Closing in October is madness. It loses money for the local econony, it increases the unemployment in the local community, it increases the crime risk in the area, its just wrong.
Sign this petition if you agree that we should be able to use our caravans until at least the end of November

Aggiorna #17 anni fa
Hello, thank you so much for signing my petition. Without your help, nothing will change.
Now you've signed, could I ask you to ask your family and friends to sign too to strengthen our fight. As you have found, its quick and easy to sign up and it really does strengthen our case.
Thanks once again
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