Justice for Trooper the lab mix

  • da: Geraldine Smart
  • destinatario: John lefgern Director of ACS SA TX , William McManus Chief of Police SA TX

Trooper is a 1.5 yr old lab who went to a foster home when he was saved from death row. The poor dog was killed by heinous means of which right now we cannot post due to legalities but will very shortly. This person may well get away with this crime. Time is of the essence and it's urgent that we get a large number of signatures to stop this happening!

Only the animal advocates can force the change of this and make sure there is Justice for Trooper. He would still be alive and well if he had never gone to this foster home! Animal abuse, cruelty, murder are felonies! This dog along with many, many more that are abused etc , HAVE the RIGHT for Justice , in a judicial system that is supposed to be strong , we need as many people to sign and share for Trooper , he deserved to live , his life was not in vain.Trooper was one of our own in SA TX saved from death , ony to be murdered by a cold blooded killer . Please SIGN AND SHARE for TROOPER .

Aggiorna #37 anni fa
Justice for trooper .
I can finally announce that the person who killed Trooper has been indicted on felony animal cruelty charges!!! He was picked up and has bonded out. The first trial date (basically a docket call with 40 other cases) is scheduled for July 26. Thank you, San Antonio Animal Care Services animal cruelty investigators!! #justicefortrooper Laura Donahue
Aggiorna #27 anni fa
With the help of all you wonderful people who truly care about the animals , we have passed 4000, please keep sharing and signing , Trooper needs to be acknowledged as a murder of an innocent soul , all lives matter , humans have no right to abuse and kill these sentient beings .PLEASE KEEP SHARING FOR TROOPER and thank you so much to all of you .
Aggiorna #17 anni fa
We are so close to 2000 signatures , keep thinking of Trooper and signing and sharing , to bring this monster to justice we need all the names we can get , Trooper deserved so much more , this is when Animal Advocates everywhere can fight for a life that was taken without cause , when supposed to be safe . From behind your computer screens you CAN bring about CHANGE , STRENGTH is in NUMBERS . thank you all for helping Trooper.
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