Invite Bob, Luis and Gordon Back to Sesame Street!

Sesame Workshop shocked fans by announcing their decision to fire veteran actors Bob McGrath (”Bob”), Emilio Delgado (“Luis”) and Roscoe Orman (“Gordon”). All three actors have performed on Sesame Street for over 40 years. Bob, who is now 84, has been there since the show began in 1969.

Generations of children have grown up with these beloved characters. Sesame Street has always promoted diversity, and the idea that people of all ages, races and personality types can cooperate and coexist as a community. The decision to fire these loyal veterans is disrespectful to the actors and contrary to the show's spirit.

Though all three actors are over 70 years old, they did not choose to retire. Sesame Street could use their characters to teach children that older adults are a part of the community and should be treated with respect. In earlier years, the show promoted those values. The actor Will Lee (Mr. Hooper) remained a treasured part of the cast until his death in 1982. When he passed away, Sesame Street's writers created a beautiful, emotional episode that addressed the death of Mr. Hooper and treated the actor with dignity. That episode is held up as one of the finest moments on a children's tv show, and the children who watched it understood and learned from the message.

"Bob," "Luis" and "Gordon" can and will still perform, and should not be fired because of their ages. It does a disservice to the actors and the children who could learn from them. Please sign the petition to urge Sesame Workshop to invite "Bob," "Luis" and "Gordon" back to Sesame Street!

I am shocked and deeply saddened by your decision to fire veteran actors Bob McGrath (”Bob”), Emilio Delgado (“Luis”) and Roscoe Orman (“Gordon”). All three actors have performed on the show for over 40 years. Bob, who is now 84, has been there since Sesame Street's beginning in 1969.

Generations of children have grown up with these beloved characters. Sesame Street has always promoted diversity, and the idea that people of all ages, races and personality types can cooperate and coexist as a community. I believe your decision to fire these loyal veterans is disrespectful to the actors and contrary to the show's spirit.

Though all three actors are over 70 years old, they did not choose to retire. Sesame Street could use their characters to teach children that older adults are a part of the community and should be treated with respect. In earlier years, the show promoted those values. The actor Will Lee (Mr. Hooper) remained a treasured part of the cast until his death in 1982. When he passed away, Sesame Street's writers created a beautiful, emotional episode that addressed the death of Mr. Hooper and treated the actor with dignity. That episode is held up as one of the finest moments on a children's tv show, and the children who watched it understood and learned from the message. There is no reason to believe that today's children, who have older adults in their families and neighborhoods, would not appreciate or benefit from similar lessons.

"Bob," "Luis" and "Gordon" can and will still perform, and should not be fired because of their ages. It does a disservice to the actors and the children who could learn from them. I respectfully urge you to invite "Bob," "Luis" and "Gordon" back to Sesame Street! Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

Aggiorna #17 anni fa
In response to considerable outcry, Sesame Street producers agreed to hold a September meeting to discuss the possibility of allowing their veteran actors to continue their roles in upcoming productions. We still need your help to convince them to make the right decision!

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