Proposal For United Earth


I proposed that the people of the Earth unite in one democratic force (tyranny will be replaced with democracy; capitalism will be replaced with co-operation); whereupon we can communicate and co-operate via the internet. With this in mind, I further propose an Executive body, The United Earth Organization (UEO), to oversee the will of the people. The responsibilities of the UEO include, providing shelter, food, clean water, and health-care for the poor and the sick; it will setup other organizations such as the World Wildlife Organization (WWO) to ensure the welfare and continued survival of the organisms of the Earth and their habitats. The WWO will have the necessary purview to join up the National Parks of different country's to ensure the continued survival and safety of the ecological-system and that of the organisms dependent upon it; whether an island, group of islands, land-mass such as Africa, these areas will be evacuated of most (if not all) human interference; cooperating with UEO, the WWO, will oversee any scientific research into these conservation areas. The UEO will, co-operate with its other appointed organizations, such as for scientific research, industrial manufacturing, education, etc., in order to provide a basis for self-improvement, and co-operation.


The UEO will establish-and-make-possible, the destiny of humanity, as the consciousness of the Universe, to go beyond extinction to the stars.


I propose this because of the tyranny, wars, genocides, famine, on-going Holocene extinction event of species, inequality of women and people, continued stupidity, and selfishness of other people in the world; compounded with such divisive methods of supposed organization such as capitalism.


It is way beyond the time to move forward, by any attempted progressive programmes and then react back at it; people need to evolve in their values, we live in the 21-century not the middle ages!


We need a New Liberal movement, an ideology of doctrines if you will, in order to-go-forward-and-not-back, this New Liberalism, will emerge from the co-operation of the people.


Have no illusions the problems requiring addressing will create much resistance, initial discord-unrest, etc., but this will happen eventually, and imperative if Humanity wishes to survive this century of problems.

Humanity must revolutionalize its relationship not only with each other, but with the Earth-as-a-whole meaning the other organisms-habitats, still surviving at this moment – and with courage-and-determination will continue to flourish. Humanity requires sustainable development coupled with rights, such as equality, liberties, free medicine, food, clean water, housing, sanitation, etc.; further the capitalistic-symbiotic corporate-banking-finance system must become dismantled, replaced with co-operating, self-improvement, etc. Climate-Change must become made liveable-survivable, if not reversed; the environment preserved-protected-developed. Our industrial society need not take a step back, but we need to clean up our act. Other sentient organisms co-inhabit the Earth, and we have a responsibility to them, aswell as the other organisms-habitats – their survival ultimately entails our survival; moreover the part answer to Climate-Change. We have warred, commited atrocities, made living nearly impossible for large masses of people around the world, used the other organisms for our own self-interests, for the last few centuries systematically made species extinct, now even threatening our own continued survival with Climate-Change – yet largely remain in denial. This tragic-comedy can no longer be allowed to continue. Humanity must emerge from its childhood to adulthood, and take up its long procrastinated responsibilities.

World Wild-Life Organization (W.W.O).

The National (Wild-Life) Parks, should work within an organization involving others such as, World Wild-Life Fund (W.W.F.), Green Peace, etc., perhaps re-organized as World Wild-life Organization (W.W.O.); furthermore into sub-organizations such as Diversity, Eco-System, Sentience Awareness, Conservation (D.E.S.A.C.), an Oceanography Conservation And Exploration (O.C.A.E.), etc. On the News recently (September, 2014), it got announced (very matter-of factually) that in the last 40 years, half the Earth's animal life has disappeared from the surface of this planet; whereas as previous to this many scientists (2007) had speculated that it may take 100 years. Ofcourse, such a shattering statement went on probably unnoticed, but if noticed, probably with resignation, with counter-arguments that people suffer (that "...the feeding a child is more important than any animal" [or-pet], otherwise something similar to such a statement), etc. Such 'anger'-defiance, the sweeping-away of collective responsibility, because of the values we uphold, of the free-market, of survival (living) via profit, as financially-self-sufficient in a society that recognizes social-wealth power, has hypocritically created this very situation without care, perhaps even 'thought' of the likely consequences.

World Wild-life Sanctuary (W.W.S.).

We must create more Wild-life (National) Parks (otherwise Sanctuaries) in order to protect eco-systems against people. Essential candidates should include the Great Rift Valley (despite spanning several countries), connected Savanna tracks, whole States like the Congo (forest-river-marshlands, mountain Gorillas, etc), Kenya (important for the Savanna), etc.; the extensive walkabout tracks of Elephants; etc. These population areas should become cleared, kept clear, even of tourists. Other candidates, the Galápagos Archipelago, Mauritius Island, New Zealand, U.S., Carolina Coast, Alaska, Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea, the Amazon basin-rain-forest, Malayan rain-forest, Indian topical-forest (habitat of the Tiger, Indian Elephant, etc), Indonesian rain-forest, etc.; whereby New Guinea, aswell as the Amazon Basin become Special Protected Regions, as World Wild-Life Sanctuaries inhabited by human tribes, designated for Non-Interference Directive. The breeding grounds of Cetaceans, such as Antarctic waters, Canadian Pacific coast, Coral Atolls such as the Great Barrier Reef. Including Special Environmental Protection Regions from human development, such as Marshlands, Wetlands, Islands, etc., for breeding-feeding-migrating Birds, Seals, etc., which importantly should include the surrounding seas, essential for the resources, nutrients, etc., of mutual organisms. The establishment, protection, maintenance, etc., of World Wild-life Sanctuaries, is not enough, this must include recovery, re-establishment of original extent of eco-systems, for example, re-claiming, re-forestation, etc., of the Amazon rain-forest, as a self-sufficient Bio-sphere able to support a self-sustaining eco-system of endangered species. The welfare of the planet-as-a-whole, especially the condition of the diversity of the Bio-spheres, remains crucial to the survival of Humanity. Without the forests, the atmosphere will become depleted of oxygen; without diversity of life-forms, ultimately we will likely not survive the evolving of new pathogens, unable to find medicines from nature; without phyto-plankton, Insects to pollinate the plants, etc., hence plants for the hervibores; etc., then the food-webs will fall-apart, thus will we become threatened ultimately with extinction ourselves. There remain many problems concerning the care-welfare of the other organisms of our planet. The Chinese market for alternative medicine, Ivory, etc., the international market for furs, hand-bags, ornaments, hunting prizes, etc., has no justification, least that other species may have evolved as sentient. There are no justifications for public Zoos, to hold creatures in captivity, for pets, Circuses, entertainment, etc., except for the purposes of an international co-operation involving conservation, re-stocking of species in their natural habitat, etc., as at present internationally fore-run by National Parks, Conservation centers, some Zoos, etc. Over-Fishing, polluting of the Oceans, decline, conservation, research, etc., of the Oceans, should become over-watched by an organization such as Oceanography Conservation And Exploration (O.C.A.E.); for example, to replace such disparate organizations as International Whaling Commission (I.W.C.), often lacking any authority, nor any effectiveness in conservation. It is not unreasonable, nor outrageous, to regard the care-welfare of animals (including plants, etc), as more important than humans, because ultimately with their extinction will follow ours. Not only as care-takers of this planet, but Humanity has the responsibility to the other organisms which inhabit this planet, who need not become extinct, either as a direct consequence of our intervention, nor because of natural events. What should we say to the future generations, if we allow a mass-extinction because of our stupidity?

Sentience Of Organisms: Custodians Of Evolving.

By sentience (Latin sentiens of sentīre, to 'feel') I do not mean the minimum capacity to 'feel', for example, pain, but instead conscious, as in self-aware, etc. A number of species appear credible candidates for an emerging sentience. For example, Chimpanzees demonstrate an aptitude for learning language, etc., such as reported by Trixie with Allen Gardner (1972) with their chimp Washoe using American sign language; co-operation in hunts for Red Colabus monkeys, etc., reported by Jane Goodall (1990); further a use of tools, including using twigs to fish for termites as reported by Jane Goodall (1971), etc.; insight problem-solving such as stacking boxes in order to climb up to obtain bananas, as described by Wolfgang Köhler (1925), etc.; Thomas Breuer (2005), reports upon a Gorilla's use of a piece of wood as a depth gauge as she wades into a swampy pool, in the Republic of Congo's Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, as reported by "New Scientist", 8 October 2005. Orangutans as indicated by Charles Robert Darwin, when with the use of a mirror, an Orangutan kept in London Zoo, appeared to recognize itself in reflection. While Elephants demonstrate a remarkable memory for example of water holes; further co-operation, for example in digging a calf out of the mud; furthermore as recently reported in a News report (March 2011), that two Elephants when required to co-operate to pull two ends of rope, one will wait for the other before pulling the rope; etc. However amongst them the most remarkable group, hence best candidate for sentience remains the Cetaceans, particularly Sperm Whales (Physeter Catadon), Killer Whales (Orcinus Orca), Bottle-nose Dolphins (Tursiops Truncatus), Pan-Tropical Spotted Dolphins (Stenella Attenuata, Frontalis) stand out amongst others. Perhaps most indicative for Sperm Whales. When hunted by whaling ships equipped with depth-sounding equipment that could locate them, Sperm whales would swim to the deep scattering layer. A layer of mid-water fish providing an acoustic hiding place, making the whale invisible to the whaler's equipment. Further it often got reported in an earlier epoch that when sailing ships hunted Sperm whales, the Sperm whales would frequently swim into the wind. Indicating that the whales had realized that their pursuers could not sail to wind-ward, thus demonstrating an understanding of causal relationships in problem-solving. Whilst Orcas have become observed co-operating to create waves sufficient to top Sea Lions off ice flows in Antarctic waters, hence demonstrating social communication. Further in Argentina Orcas have become observed intentionally stranding themselves to catch Sea Lions, a technique that these whales teach their young. Yet surprisingly one such Orca got observed stranding itself in order to aid a Sea Lion pup back ashore, demonstrating altruistic 'behavior' other than that of humans. While the evidence for the sentience of Bottle-nose Dolphins appears the most convincing both extensive. Bottle-nose Dolphins have larger brains, though differing in structures, than humans, as reported by John Lilly, 1960s. Capable of devising contextual techniques for hunting, such as beaching on mud, after forcing fish on to the mud with a bow-wave as used by Dolphins at Hilton Head, South Carolina; "Crater Feeding", like those off the Bahamas, around Mikura Island, Japan; stunning fish with echo-location; "bait-balling", as reported by Kenneth S. Norris (1992) "Dolphins In Crisis", National Geographic; etc. Furthermore, demonstrates Dolphins ability to abstract ('think'), devise plans, etc. Using a sponge as a tool as reported by Michael Bright (2001), such that female Dolphins of Shark bay Western Australia, place sponges on the tips of their snouts, functioning to protect by covering the delicate snout when foraging among jagged rocks, corals, etc., against spines-both-stings of animals such as Stone-fish, Sting-rays, etc., hidden, when ploughing through the sand. Furthermore, the use of echo-location as a tool, akin to the recent reports of blind children who have taken to using clicking sounds in order to distinguish distance, composition of obstacles, etc. Demonstrated to communicate with each other with the use of recognizable names, as reported by Kenneth S. Norris (1992) on Randall Wells' research group at Sarasota bay Florida. Able to recognize themselves in a mirror, demonstrating consciousness of abstracting. Insight-full, capable of Time-Binging, as demonstrate by observations conducted by Ken Marten, Karim Shariff, Suchi Psarakos with Don J. White (1996), at Sea Life Park, Hawaii, upon a Bottle-nose Dolphin ring-culture, reported in Scientific American, August 1996; furthermore demonstrating a remarkable creativity in invention both play. Numerous, historical accounts of altruism of Dolphins, including a recent account in "The Cove" (2009), Channel 4 Documentary, whereby two surfers observed a Dolphin come darting in knocking a Shark side-ways, intent upon attacking them, thus saving their lives. Appearing very social, organizing in complex relationships, as reported by Denise Herzing (1996) of Florida Atlantic University, for example, mature Pan-Tropical Spotted Dolphins (Stenella Attenuata, Frontalis) intervening in others' disputes. Fulfilling my (1997) devised criteria for the Seven Characteristics of Sentience. However, both the Japanese, aswell as the Norwegians have continued their whaling. The Japanese cynically exploit a loop-hole in the International Treaty on Whaling, by continuing catching their quotas for the commercial market under the guise of research. The Japanese furthermore catch Dolphins not only for the International trade in captive Dolphins, but considered as pests, competing for fish, thus again cynically blamed for the decline in fisheries, never mind the intensive commercial methods used; let alone for the commercial trade in Whale meat, which Dolphins (though as Cetaceans, Dolphins remain apart of the family of Whales) are often falsely represented as, since not distinguished from other kinds of Whale meat on the market. Annually between September to March, thousands of Dolphins get slaughtered at Taiji, Wakayama, a fishing port on the South-eastern coast of Japan, as reported in "The Cove" (2009), directed by Louie Psihoyos shown as a Channel 4 Documentary. Though as Richard (Ric) O’Barry asserts, the fishermen remain largely motivated by the tremendous revenue generated for the town by selling some of the captured Dolphins to Aquariums, Marine Parks, Research Institutions, etc. While, another slaughter of Dolphins goes on annually on a Norwegian Faroe Islands. The Japanese resorted to catching-and-eating Whale meat during the shortage for food during World War II. However, though only a fraction of the population of Japan indulge in Whale meat, Dolphin meat furthermore gets falsely labeled as Whale meat, ironic since Cetaceans anyway; meanwhile cynically Japanese representatives argue that Dolphins-and-Porpoises are not the preview of the International Commission for Whaling, since the Japanese argue that Dolphins-and-Porpoises are not Whales. Meanwhile, both nations do not need to catch Cetaceans as a food resource, the Norwegian Islanders remain well-off enough to import from the mainland, indeed many known to own two cars for a relatively small sized Island; instead they appear to engage in this annual slaughter as a tradition. Whilst the Japanese further argue that while, "...we eat Cows, they eat Dolphins". However, the majority of Japanese, it appears, are unaware that Dolphin meat masquerades as Whale meat, while most particularly the young, do not eat Whale meat. Perhaps if known, the Japanese people might pressurize their Government to cease. Perhaps, if the Japanese people knew that particularly Dolphin meat caught off the coast of Japan, have shown high contamination with mercury, then the genocide of Cetaceans may stop immediately. Humanity's longing for other sentient species in the Universe to share the loneliness of consciousness, may not be so distant, nor so rare. We should rejoice in the growing sentience in other evolving species, not selfishly exploit whatever we can for a profit. Otherwise as a species, we do not deserve anything but extinction ourselves. Where perhaps more enlightened sentient species may arise to take better care for this planet. Where the welfare, conservation, research, etc., should become over-watched by an organization such as Diversity, Eco-System, Sentience Awareness, Conservation (D.E.S.A.C.).

Further to this I provide a draft constitution, for consideration, and ratification if accepted by the UEO, on behalf of the people of Earth.


The requirement for a Constitution ensures the procedural rules for the United Earth Organization (U.E.O.). Further to this, containing the Bill Of Human Rights, essential to ensure the protection of the individual, aswell as allowing clear consensus understanding when breached, again allowing the function of the UEO.

                          UNITED EARTH CONSTITUTION.


We the people of United Earth, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure Tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote general Welfare, secure Liberty for Posterity, protect the other organisms which inhabit the Earth with us, do ordain the establishment of this Constitution for the United Humanity Of Planet Earth.



                                  Article I.


Non-Interference Directive.

1.1.    Non-human, along with human sentience not having attained Nuclear-energy

     capability, should not be interfered with in their natural environments,

     have their values, culture, ways of living, etc., changed in preference

     for something considered better, nor should we engage in technological


     This Non-Interference Philosophy, for fear of consequently changing the

     course of another species evolution adversely, should remain a


 1.2. Such Regions shall become designated Regions of Special Protection


 1.3. The United Earth Organization (U.E.O.) shall have the power to enforce

      this section by appropriate legislation.



                                 Article II.


Section 1.  Democratic Right.

1.1.    The process of legislature shall reside with the people by process of

     voting without recourse to the requirement of proxy. 

1.2.    An individual beyond the age of 18 shall have the equal right to vote,

     shall not be denied, otherwise abridged by the United Earth, otherwise by

     any Region of the United Earth regardless of sex-or-Gender, their

     Race-color-or-ethnicity, nor due to the condition of imprisonment, etc. 

 1.3. An individual regardless of ethnicity, else gender, has the equal right to

      self-determination, the freedom of speech, otherwise of the free press;

      furthermore the people have the right to peacefully assemble, protest to

      attest, otherwise to petition for a redress of their grievances, etc.;

      such that no Law shall be passed prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

1.3.    The United Earth Organization (U.E.O.) shall have the power to enforce

     this section by appropriate legislation.


Section 2.  Organization Of Power.

 2.1. Any legislative Powers herein granted shall become vested in the people of

      Earth, if necessary via designated Regions of influence.

 2.2. A Region shall become designated as such, for reasons of Special

      Protection (R.S.P.) such as World Wild-Life Sanctuaries (W.W.P.), for

      Non-Interference, for difficulties in accessibility, etc., extra to the

      organized human populated areas designated.

 2.3. The United Earth Organization (U.E.O.), shall become tasked with the will

      of the Peoples of the United Earth, as such shall oversee the

      implementation of the Constitution.  

 2.4. However, the will of the peoples-of-the-Earth-as-a-whole remains



Section 3.  Democratic Process.

 3.1. The period, form of the process of voting of legislature shall become most

      effectively provided for via electronic mail verification. 

 3.2. Any alterations to the process of voting, can become made due to Regional  

      limitations encountered, by prior arrangement.   

 3.3. Each Region using their own chosen method of voting shall remain the judge

      of returns.

 3.4. Volunteers shall become appointed as Officers responsible for the

      over-seeing of the voting process.

 3.5. Officers shall keep a journal of any of their proceedings.

 3.6. The United Earth Organization (U.E.O.) shall have the power to enforce

      this section by appropriate legislation.


Section 4.  Passage Of Bills.

 4.1. Any Bill shall first become drafted in such agreement that it can then

      become presented for vote. 

 4.2. Any Bill passed by the process of voting by a simple majority involving at

      least 50% of the vote, shall become law.

 4.3. The United Earth Organization (U.E.O.) shall have the power to enforce

      this section by appropriate legislation.


Section 5.  Welfare, Health, Education Rights.

 5.1. Any individual regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, has the equal right

      to Free Food.

 5.2. Any individual regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, has the equal right

      to Free-housing.

 5.3. Any individual regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, has the equal right

      to Resources to Live Comfortably, without squalor.

 5.4. Any individual regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, has the equal right

      to Free Health-care.

 5.5. Any individual regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, has the equal right

      to Free Education-and-Self-Improvement.

 5.6. Any individual regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, has the equal right

      to Purpose in Society.

 5.7. No one shall Enslave, nor Exploit another.

 5.8. Children below the age of 18, shall not be made to work, instead free to

      benefit from Time-Binding.  


Section 7.  Powers Of United Earth Organization (U.E.O.).

The United Earth Organization (UEO) is not a government, nor governmental organization, but serves to effect the will as an executive arm, to enact laws passed, etc., by the people of Earth, upon whom the ultimate power through

self-determinism must reside.

 7.1. To organize against starvation.

 7.2. To provide against squalor, Free-housing.

 7.3. To provide against want.

 7.4. To provide against disease Free Health-care, organizations, support the

      World Health Organization (W.H.O.) thereof.

 7.5. To provide Free education, recourse to self-improvement.

 7.6. To promote the process of Science, aswell as the Arts, via Time-Binding as

      a free-gift free from exploitation for selfish endeavors, otherwise for


 7.7. To provide adequate clean Water-supply.

 7.8. To organize Industry, Agriculture, etc., not only for the betterment of

      humanity, but for the welfare of the bio-spheres comprising of a diversity

      of organisms.

 7.9. To Protect the people of Earth.

7.10. To prevent Crimes Against Humanity, but found to have occurred, to

      prosecute those responsible.

7.11. To prevent Crimes Against Species of similar Sentience to that of

      Humanity, but found to have occurred, to Prosecute those responsible.

7.12. To Aide in famines, natural disasters, etc.

7.13. To raise a United Special Operations Command (U.S.O.COM., as combined

      operations of Army, Navy, Air-force, modeled upon Special Forces), to

      protect the people of Earth, deal with Insurrections, repel terrorists,

      pursue Pirates, prevent atrocities, the search-and-rescue of people in

      need-or-danger, to enforce the Non-Interference Directive, to protect

      World Wild-Life Sanctuaries (W.W.S.), etc.  

7.14. To promote the use of Public Transport by constructing systems for


7.15. To organize Energy facilities for regional requirements.

7.16. To promote Re-cycling, construct the facilities thereof.

7.17. To Aide World Wild-Life Organization (W.W.O.) to protect, conserve,

      research, etc., eco-systems; to establish World Wild-Life Sanctuaries

      (W.W.S.) thereof.

7.18. To Enforce Non-Interference Directive.

7.19. To Aide in the setting up, Enforcement of Regions of Special Protection

      (R.S.P.), in line with the Non-Interference Directive.

7.20. To constitute Tribunals, to judge cases by merit of Law.

7.21. To organize International services, such as Postal services, World

      Communications, Inter-net, Research-Information Archives, such as

      Libraries, Museums, etc., etc.

7.22. To enforce against pollution, especially of Regions of sensitive

      importance, namely Regions of Special Protection (R.S.P.), World Wild-Life

      Sanctuaries (W.W.S.), Oceans, the Air, etc.; whereas if pollution found to

      have occurred, otherwise continuing, shall pursue for conviction the

      individual(s), else organized group(s), involved.

7.23. To ensure the pollution-free industrial, agricultural, etc., activities

      upon their surrounding environments.

7.24. To provide against poor Sanitation.

7.25. To foster International Co-Operation.

7.26. To organize-and-Aide humanity’s destiny as Consciousness of the Universe,

      by setting up the Foreign-Life, Astro-nautics, Trans-Terran, Exploration



Section 8.  Social Freedom.  

8.1. The Free Movement of persons around the Planet, other than places of

     Special Protection, such as World Wild-Life Sanctuaries (W.W.S.),

     Non-Interference Directive Areas, known as Regions of Special Protection

     (R.S.P.) in order to protect the habitats-and-organisms therein; unless

     granted so by the World Earth Organization (U.E.O), upon recommendations by

     the World Wild-Life Organization (W.W.O). 

8.2. The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless

     when in cases of Rebellion, otherwise Invasion of public safety, the

     breaking of Non-Interference Directive, destruction of World Wild-Life

     Sanctuaries (W.W.S.), etc., may require it.

8.3. Individuals have the right to remain secure in their persons, houses,

     papers, effects, etc., against unreasonable searches, seizures, etc., shall

     not be violated, nor Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause,

     supported by Oath-or-Affirmation, specifically describing the place to

     become searches, furthermore the persons otherwise things seized.

8.4. To promote Liberty, Self-improvement, Purpose, etc., of the Individual in


8.5. No individual shall be segregated, prejudiced against, nor persecuted from

     the rest of Society, because of their Race-Color-or-ethnicity, sex-or-

     gender, age, species, etc.         



                                Article III.



1.1.    Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for

     crime whereof the party shall have become duly convicted, shall exist on

     the United Earth, otherwise any place subject to their jurisdiction.

1.2.    The United Earth Organization (U.E.O.) shall have the power to enforce

     this section by appropriate legislation.



                                 Article IV.    


Section 1.  Limitations Of Powers Of United Earth Organization (U.E.O.) Regions.

1.1.    The Judicial Power of UEO resides with the people, along with the


1.2.    No UEO procedures can be under-taken unless granted for by vote, otherwise

     as outlined in the Constitution. 

 1.3. The UEO shall become organized reflecting the needs of regions, aswell as

      Regions of Special Protection (R.S.P.), such as World Wild-Life

      Sanctuaries (W.W.S.), Oceans, inhabited by Human Tribes, Non-Human

      Sentience, designated For Non-Interference Directive, etc.

1.2.    UEO if so deems shall investigate matters of special importance via

     Committees, resourcing any necessary Research, whom shall report back to

     the UEO.

1.3.    Records of proceedings of organizations of the UEO, etc., shall not be

     kept from public scrutiny.


Section 2.  Judicial Power.

 2.1. The Judicial Power shall extend to any case in Law, arising under the

      Constitution, between persons in dispute, etc.

 2.2. Tribunals shall become the model for any evaluating of points of Law,

      Civil-disputes, along with the Trial of Crimes.

 2.3. A Tribunal shall compose itself with Ā-trained individuals in relevant

      professional fields, thus able to competently evaluate the legal matter;

      whereby one designated member of the Tribunal must have awareness of the

      Constitution-and-Law, in order to advise the Tribunal process.

 2.3. The Trial of Crimes, shall concerning initial evaluations of whether a

      case has merit for as a Criminal Tribunal, nor subsequent Tribunals, shall

      not in any case require a jury. 

 2.5. The Tribunal shall become held where the alleged Crimes shall have taken

      place; but when not committed within any one Region, the Trial shall

      become arranged at such place, otherwise places as United Earth

      Organization (U.E.O.) may by Law have directed.

 2.6. An individual shall have the right to become informed of the nature, cause

      of the accusation, the Region which shall have become previously

      ascertained by Law; to contest the indictments against them by Trial in a

      Tribunal by Impartial Ā-trained professionals, to become confronted by

      Witnesses, otherwise face their accusers, against them; to have Witnesses

      for the defense (obtained if necessary by compulsory process) in their

      favor, to have supplied with the Assistance of Counsel for their defense.

 2.7. An individual is not guilty until proven so.

 2.8. In any criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a

      speedy, public trial.

 2.9. No individual shall be compelled in any Criminal Case to be a Witness

      against themselves, otherwise compelled to say anything that may harm

      their defense, else incriminate themselves; nor be deprived of Liberty,

      Punishment, etc., without due process of Law; nor shall private property

      be taken for public use without just compensation.

2.10. An individual shall not be held to answer for an infamous crime, unless on

      a presentment, else indictment of a Tribunal, except in cases arising in

      the service of United Special Operations Command (U.S.O.COM), when in

      actual service in period of War, otherwise public danger.

2.11. Any individual Convicted of an Offense, has right to Appeal if new

      evidence alights; furthermore has the right to the periodic Review of

      Sentence, if not a danger to Society.

2.12. No individual shall be searched without warrant, become subject to

      arrest-or-harassment from any representative of any organization without

      evidence, etc.

2.13. The Tribunal shall have the Power to declare the Punishment.

2.14. Excessive-and-cruel, Torture, otherwise unusual punishments are forbidden.

2.15. No individual in criminal process, if found guilty shall be deprived of

      their Life subject to the Death Penalty.

2.16. Any individual found not guilty by process of Law, shall not be subject

      for the 'same' offense to be twice put in jeopardy of their freedom.

2.17. No individual shall be investigated without evidence, nor shall any

      individual be surveiled in any way, nor records be kept against their

      consent; with exception of having found with due process of Law as guilty

      of criminal activity.

2.18. Convicted individuals must have recourse to Self-Improvement,

      Re-habilitation back into Society, Exercise, Re-creation Facilities, to

      volunteer for Social-Work for the betterment of humanity, but not just

      imprisoned for the duration of their sentence. 

2.19. No individual should be Persecuted, otherwise Prejudiced, nor segregated

      against because of their ethnicity, gender, age, species, because of

      illness, having previous criminal convictions etc.


Section 3.  Treason. 

3.1. Treason against the United Peoples Of Earth, shall consist only in levying

     War against them, otherwise in adhering to their Enemies, giving them


3.2. No persons shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two

     Witnesses to the said overt Act, otherwise on Confession in open Tribunal.

3.3. The Tribunal shall have the Power to declare the Punishment of Treason,

     however only in pursuitant under Article IV, Section 2, points 2.14, 2.15.



                                  Article V.


Co-Operation Of The United Earth Organization (U.E.O.) Regions.

Section 1

Full Trust-and-Credit shall become given in each Region to the public Acts, Records, along with judicial Proceedings of any other Region.  Where the people may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records, aswell as Proceedings shall become proved, along with the Effect of the UEO thereof.


Section 2

 2.1. Individuals of any Region shall become entitled to any Privileges-and-

      Immunities of Individuals in the several regions.

 2.2. A Person charged in any Region with Treason, Felony, otherwise Crime, who

      shall flee from Justice, whereupon found in another Region, shall on

      Demand of the executive Authority of the UEO become delivered up, for

      removal to the Region having Jurisdiction of the Crime.


Section 3.   

The people shall have the Power to make any needful Rules-and-Regulations respecting the Regions of the UEO.



                                  Article VI.   


1.1.    Any individual regardless of ethnicity, gender, otherwise species shall

      have under this Constitution equal rights thereof. 

1.2. The United Earth Organization (U.E.O.) shall have the power to enforce this

     section by appropriate legislation.



                                  Article VII.


Amendment Of The Constitution.

The people, whenever 66.6...% (two-thirds) of the United People Of Earth shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to the Constitution, otherwise, on the Application of the Legislatures of 66.6...% of the several regions, shall call a convention for proposing Amendments, which in either Case, shall become valid to 'all' Intents-and-Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by Legislature of 75% (three-fourths) of the several regions, otherwise by Conventions of 75% thereof, as the one otherwise the other Mode of Ratification may become proposed by the people.

Amendments shall become considered for Ratification with the exception of Articles I; Article II, Sections 1,5,8; Article III; Article IV, Section 2, Points 2.6-7, 2.9,2.11-12,2.14-17,2.19; Article VI.






                                   Article III. 


Oath Of Trust.

The volunteer Officers of the United Earth Organization (U.E.O.), otherwise those responsible for the process of voting, shall become bound by Oath-or-Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office otherwise public Trust under the UEO.



                                   Article IX.


Ratification Of Constitution.

The Ratification of the Constitution by 51% of the Peoples of Earth, shall become sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution.


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