Give Fred B. McGee the Medal of Honor he was promised! .

  • da: Kelly Harris
  • destinatario: POTUS Barack Obama and the US Congress

On June 16, 1952, in a battle near Tang-Wan-Ni, Korea, McGee took command of his platoon after his squad leader was wounded. The group had attacked the enemy's fortified position on Hill 528.

McGee was a corporal and not in line to take the lead. But the second in command froze as enemy fire exploded all around them. McGee realized it was up to him to take over.

He fired at machine gun nests and held off the enemy as his platoon continued fighting up the hill. At one point, he was injured, but there was no one to take over for him. So he ignored his wounds and continued fighting until orders came to retreat.

His captain promised to nominate him for the Medal of Honor. Corporal McGee has yet to be recognized for his courage.

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