Tell Michele Bachmann: Quit the Bigotry

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  • destinatario: Senator Michele Bachmann
Michele Bachmann claims to have American family values as her first priority. But considering her strident anti-progressive stance, it seems like Bachmann only has one kind of family in mind.

It was bad enough when Bachmann's husband, Marcus, referred to gays as "barbarians." Now, Michele Bachmann has recently signed a pledge suggesting that homosexuality has the same detrimental public health effects as adultery, child pornography, and second-hand smoking.

Michele Bachmann has continually demonstrated her hypocrisy when it comes to American LGBT issues. Government spending is wrong, she says, but Marcus Bachmann's ex-gay therapy clinic has taken $137,000 in federal funds in the last five years, despite the American Psychological Association's statement that such therapy is both ineffective and harmful.

It's high time for Michele Bachmann to realize that her blatantly bigoted actions will not go unnoticed. Tell Bachmann that homophobia doesn't belong in the White House.
I am writing to urge you to cease your increasingly offensive lobbies against LGBT-identified Americans. People in the LGBT community deserve the same rights, respect, and dignity of every other American citizen, and your continuing bigotry has no place in the White House.

[Your comments here]

The recent revelations that your husband's ex-gay therapy clinic has been receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal funding simply confirms your interest in placing an anti-gay agenda over financial responsibility.

According to a 2011 Gallup poll, the majority of Americans now favor LGBT rights. I strongly advise you to revise your rhetoric and actions in the future to more accurately reflect the views of your would-be constituents.
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