Save Kangaroos from Inhumane Experiment

  • da:
  • destinatario: University of Wollogong, New South Wales
Kangaroos loves to roam, and they can move as fast as 60 kilometres an hour. They're also social, and travel in "mobs" of up to 100 kangaroos. But the kangaroos planned for use in the University of Wollogong's (UOW) experiment won't be able to exhibit any of these natural behaviors.

UOW want to keep kangaroos in restrictive cages barely bigger than the animals themselves to measure the methane gas they expel -- an experiment already performed 40 years ago!

A specialist in kangaroo rehabilitation says that this treatment will cause the kangaroos to be highly stressed and subject to disease and illness, "which will make survival unlikely and the research project totally flawed."

It's not to late to make a difference! The University ethics committee hasn't yet made a decision on whether to allow this experiment.

Tell UOW not to use kangaroos in this cruel and unnecessary study.
To Whom It May Concern,

Kangaroos are social creatures who travel in mobs of up to 100 kangaroos and roam as fast as 60 kilometres per hour. But the kangaroos planned for us in the University of Wollogong's experiment measuring the methane gas they expel won't be able to exhibit any of these natural behaviors.

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A specialist in kangaroo rehabilitation says that if these kangaroos are used in the university's experiment, they will be highly stressed and subject to disease and illness, "which will make survival unlikely and the research project totally flawed."

This same experiment was performed 40 years ago and there is no need to put the kangaroos through this research. I urge you not to allow the use of kangaroos in this experiment.
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