Support a Tax on Carbon Emissions

For front-line environmental justice communities - those dealing daily with the local impacts of industrial facilities and their pollution - the time has passed to place all our faith in the power of the free market to solve our environmental, public health and economic problems. We must turn now to the solutions that will work and that will protect the most vulnerable communities first. 

Dear Speaker Pelosi:

We the undersigned are writing to ask you to support Climate Justice and the vulnerable Environmental Justice communities throughout the United States that are being hit first and worst by climate change. We ask you today to advance climate justice by supporting the passage of H.R. 1337, America's Security Trust Fund Act of 2009, sponsored by Rep. Larson, John B. [CT-1] by taking the following two steps:

1. Call on the leadership of the House of Representatives to quickly move H.R. 1337 through committee and bring it to the full house for a vote.
2. Cast your vote in favor of H.R. 1337 when it comes to a vote before the full House of Representatives.

Like many Americans, we are concerned that we have to do something now about climate change. Experts have pointed out the fact that climate change impacts are already being experienced by low-income communities and communities of color. Communities in Alaska are falling into the sea because of melting permafrost and low-income residents without insurance or the resources to deal with extreme heat events are suffering and dying from heat stroke or asthma. In an interdependent world where the health and well being of all human beings is connected to the protection of the environment, we can no longer afford policies like cap and trade that place markets before people.

We are calling on you to support this important piece of legislation because we believe that placing a carbon tax on those corporations that produce carbon rich fuels would be simpler to implement, generate revenues sooner and provide greater transparency than the cap and trade approach, which is more popular with corporate interests. The collapse of our economy has made it clear to us that we should not use the creation of a market for carbon credits to solve the climate crisis.

The bill introduced by Congressman Larson would also:

1. Provide tax credits for research and development of alternative energy technologies like wind, hydrogen fuel cells, solar and other zero emissions technologies to help move us aware from our dependence on foreign oil.
2. Help industries here in the United States affected by our transition to a green economy with funds.
3. Reduce the burden of payroll taxes on hard working American families.

With the majority held by the Democrats in the House of Representatives you have an opportunity to demonstrate the kind of leadership that the American people need. Pass H.R. 1337 now and stand up for the millions of people throughout the country living in Environmental Justice communities who are calling for Climate Justice.

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