Support Reproductive Justice For Latinas

Throughout the years, reproductive rights have evolved, and more women attain and maintain positions of power across the nation. But some women  remain invisible.

Latinas make up 28 million people in our country today, and the Latinx* community as a whole is over 57 million strong. More than one in three Latinas is enrolled in healthcare from a federal insurance program, and 23.6% of Latinxs live below the poverty level —which means Latinx families are the least likely to afford out-of-pocket costs for abortion and other lifesaving reproductive care.

Because of their immigration status, 18% of the Latinx population is held back from participating in the political system. Undocumented immigrants contribute taxes to a system they may never be able to reap the benefits from—their undocumented status disqualifies them from voting and creates barriers to accessing healthcare—and many undocumented immigrants live in fear of being targeted and deported.

The National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health (NLIRH) is creating a network of poderosas to fight reproductive justice and human rights. We're mobilizing on the ground to raise the voices of of our powerful Latinxs and ensure that everyone has access to reproductive health and dignity.

Sign your name to stand with NLIRH and support reproductive justice for all!

*NLIRH, conscious of the importance of gender equity in the production of educational materials, utilizes gender neutral terms throughout our work. "Latinx" is a term that challenges the gender binary in the Spanish language and embraces the diversity of genders that often are actively erased from spaces.
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