Witnesses Saw a Man Abusing a Dog on a Bridge. Then, Police Found the Poor Thing Dead in the Creek Below.

  • da: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Florence, Alabama Authorities
The details of the recent animal abuse case in Florence, Alabama are few and far between -- but what we do know is truly tragic.

On May 5, 2024, a witness called the police after he saw a man abusing a small white dog on a local bridge. But when officers arrived, the poor dog was already dead in the water below.

One can imagine all this tiny dog wanted was love and affection, but instead it was sent to a watery grave by this abuser.

Sign the petition to demand justice for this poor pup!

At first, the witness could only hear the abuse. A dog sounded like it was in immense distress. Then, he saw it -- a man in his 30s abusing the dog and making it cry out like that.

Officers rushed to the scene, but it was too late. They found the dog, described as small and white, dead in the creek near the bridge. It didn't take them long to find the man responsible, who was still lurking nearby.

This is truly heartbreaking. This dog was defenseless and innocent, but this man clearly wanted to do it as much harm as possible. It's unclear if the dog was thrown into the creek, killed before it ended up there, or was held in the water to drown. But whatever happened, we must do our best to ensure it never happens again.

Animal abusers like this are often repeat offenders, escalating their violence against powerless animals -- and sometimes even people.

To avoid escalation and any more suffering, this person needs to be banned from ever owning or having access to animals again! Sign the petition if you agree!
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