Virginia Personal Watercraft Campaign

This petition is for the proposal of a new Virginia law. This proposed state statute would enable political subdivisions, as counties, towns or cities, to regulate the use of personal watercraft, also referred to as jet skis, on local waters.
Friends of Our Environment:

THIS PETITION is your opportunity to endorse the proposal for a new Virginia law. This proposed state statute would enable any political subdivisions, such as counties, towns or cities, to regulate the use of personal watercraft, also commonly referred to as jet skis or jet craft, on local waters.

Such watercraft are now being operated at high speeds on our most shallow, fragile waters and near our shorelines as well as on the deeper waters. The high level of noise generated by personal watercraft is disturbing the peaceful environment of shorelines, homes and natural resources. The environmental, health, safety and wildlife problems caused by these watercraft are significant and well documented.
Caught in the Wake, by the Izaak Walton League of America, and Hostile Waters, by the American Canoe Association, summarize the environmental and human health impacts of personal watercraft.

Your signature on this PETITION is an endorsement and a request for Senator Bill Bolling and Delegate Harvey Morgan to sponsor and support a joint bill during the 2004 session of the Virginia General Assembly to enable local governments to regulate the use of personal watercraft on area waterways. Such legislation, already proposed or enacted at the state level in Maine, Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island as well in other states, is referred to as “The Home Rule.”

As concerned citizens, we ask that you carefully consider the information and the grave importance of this issue. Please sign the PETITION to indicate your support and endorsement for this proposed new legislation.


J. Randolph Segar, Chairman,
Virginia Chapter Number One,
Izaak Walton League of America

Mary Ann Willis
Project Information Liaison
PO Box 315
Hartfield, VA 23071
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