Help Jayci be with her Dad as she dies

Jayci Yaeger is dying of brain cancer.  She seems to be hanging on, waiting for her father to hold her hand and calm her fears.  Jason Yaeger is in Federal Prison in Yankton, SD for a drug crime set to be released to a half way house in August.  She'll not likely make it that long.  We believe this is cruel punishment of a innocent child and ask for mercy from the Warden.
Linda Asher, public relations - Yankton FPC
Phone: 605-665-3262
Fax: 605-668-1113
Federal SD Congressional Delegates:
Senator Tim Johnson...........800-537-0025
Senator John Thune.......... Sioux Falls: (605) 334-9596
Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth......... (866) 371-8747
Yankton (18th) District State delegates:
Jean Hunhoff (senate -R)
Business: 605-668-8312
Garry Moore (house - D)
Business: 605-665-3294
Charlie Gilson (house - R)
Business 605-260-1600
More links:
Dear Warden Whitehead,
We the undersigned ask that you re-consider your decision regarding furlough for inmate Jason Yaeger on behalf of his daughter Jayci.  This is a rare chance for you, in your hands is the power to grant a dying child her last wish.  It is abundantly clear that Jayci is suffering a cruel punishment that she does not deserve.  We ask that you reconsider your decision and demonstrate some compassion for this innocent child.
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