Mechanics For A Fair Vote

We the Mechanics and Related at United Airlines have observed and experienced the disaster of mail in ballots.  In 1994 under the IAM supposedly lost ballots are found.  In 2002 at Continental Airlines under the IBT, ballots came up missing.  Now just recently at Continental Airlines ballots are missing or not received.  These incidences create more questions than answers.  Continuous "accidents" creates suspicion.
We as a group demand that when a TA is brought to the membership for a vote here at UAL for Mechanics and Related that a third party electronic voting format be put in place.  Anything less is unacceptable.
We the undersigned, honorable UAL Mechanics and Related agree that the primitive mail in format must be replaced with a secure and trustworthy third party electronic voting format.
We the undersigned demand our IBT Leadership provides a fair and impartial voting system.  We demand that the old mail in ballot format be replaced with a fair and impartial third party electronic voting format.  There is no reason not to take advantage of this technology.  An electronic format leaves no question as to whether there was tampering or intent to influence the vote.  No lost ballots, no embarrassment to anyone.  Anything less leaves suspicion and this would not be acceptable.  Thank you for your attention to the serious matter. 
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