Allow Transgender Pakistanis Access to Flood Relief Aid

Nearly 300,000 hijras--transgender women--in Pakistan have been left out of aid efforts in the wake of devastating floods.

Although the Pakistan Supreme Court ordered in 2009 that hijras be recognized as a distinct third gender on national identity cards, none of these ID cards have been distributed, leaving many hijras without access to flood relief aid. 

Sign this petition to demand that hijras receive the equal treatment they deserve, including access to flood relief aid and housing in displaced person camps. 

In addition to the delay in issuing third gender ID cards, many hijras also face difficulty in accessing emergency relief because they were separated from their family at an early age.

Without these documents, and in the face of general prejudice, hijras are especially at risk during states of emergency.

Sign now to request that hijras receive immediate access to emergency relief and to urge the Pakistani government to take swift action in issuing third gender identity cards.
We the undersigned ask that you take immediate action to ensure that hijras receive equal access to emergency flood relief aid and displaced person camps. Although the Pakistan Supreme Court ordered in 2009 that hijras be recognized as a distinct third gender on national identity cards, none of these cards have been distributed, leaving many hijras unable to obtain aid due to lack of proper identification documents. Without these documents, and in the face of general prejudice, hijras are especially at risk during states of emergency. We urge you to take swift action in providing flood aid to hijras and in issuing third gender identity cards.
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