Attorney Richard I. Fine for US Supreme Court

We the undersigned people of these United States nominate Attorney Richard I. Fine for the office of U.S Supreme Court Justice.  President Obama promised to listen to the voice of the people, now here are our voices.

We the undersigned  people believe that Attorney Fine is the choice for the people, as he has hindered his prominent career in the face of seeking justice for everyone.

Attorney Fine is a taxpayers advocate, he fights for Due Process for all concerned and he believes in the rule of law.  Attorney Fine has shown himself approved thoughout the Country.

Attorney will bring compassion, understand and experience to this position.  President Obama, you stated that you wanted someone with life experiences as opposed to having judgeship experience.  Attorney Fine is your candidate and well as the people.  We also believe that this appointment would be the beginning of restoring trust back into our judiciary system once again.

In closing, we ask that Attorney Fine be considered and go to the confirmation.  Again, President Obama, this is the voices of the people. and thank you for your consideration.

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