Bring Wind Turbine Power to Ohio

Help us join forces to encourage the creation of wind turbine fields throughout the state of ohio, with the goal of supplying clean energy to all residences and bussiness. With this cost effective, energy saving, power producing we can help stop global warming. Help save mother earth and the lives of your grandchildren. We lost many industries to other locations, lost revenue, lost jobs for our state. Wind Turbine Fields create 3000 jobs, provides power to thousands of families and companies. Ohio has ample wind to support the turbines. Enviromentalists worked very hard to clean up the pollution in the Great Lakes area its our duty to continue their work. So lets fight for clean energy source.
"We the undersigned" Support the creation of Wind Turbine Fields in the state Ohio with the goal of supplying clean, affordable energy to residents and business's. Be apart of something great! Thank you for taking the time to read, and take action towards our goal.
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