Chevy Cobalt Power Steering Issues

Since I bought my Chevy Cobalt in 2005, with only 7 miles on it, I have had nothing but problems with it.  The purpose of this petition is to find others in the same situation as myself.  I feel as a consumer with a logical frame of mind, that there are several issues that are wrong with the Chevy Cobalt that should have been recalled.  After searching the internet and reading dozens, if not hundreds of claims similar to mine, I realized that the issues with my car are not isolated incidents and that GM should be held accountable for their poorly constructed vehicle.  I am currently in the process of seeking legal aid to file a class action lawsuit again GM and will be using the information provided by this petition as evidence in my case.  Please sign this petition if you have had any of the following issues with your car; problems with your power steering going out, issues with your key locking in the ignition or unusually short lifespan of your paint job.  In addition to these complaints, please list the model and year of your Cobalt as well as the number of times these incidents have occurred and what the solutions were to fix them.

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