Downtown is Our Town

We the undersigned are opposed to the demolition of the landmark Columbia Building at 112 Prospect Ave in Cleveland.  We know that a solution can be found to parking problems that does not require tearing down our city's architectural heritage.  Downtown Cleveland belongs to us all. We ask that we be included as stakeholders in the future of this area.  We ask that the owners of the property and our civic leaders reverse their decision to allow the demolition of lower Prospect Avenue and the Columbia Building.
We the undersigned are opposed to the demolition of the landmark Columbia Building at 112 Prospect Ave in Cleveland.  We know that a solution can be found to parking problems that does not require tearing down our city's architectural heritage.  Downtown Cleveland belongs to us all. We ask that we be included as stakeholders in the future of this area.  We ask that the owners of the property and our civic leaders reverse their decision to allow the demolition of lower Prospect Avenue and the Columbia Building.
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