Judge Clears Way For Yellowstone Bison Slaughter

This has less to do with Bison and brucellosis and more to do with ranchers on pubilc lands who want more food and room  for cows.  It's all about ranchers wants. New federal rules ease sanctions against states bordering Yellowstone National Park when livestock get infected with the disease brucellosis %u2014 but leave unresolved the more nettlesome problem of infected wildlife.

At least eight cattle infections have been found over the last decade, with elk believed to be the main source of those transmissions. Yet because elk roam freely and often in small numbers, there have been few efforts to control their movements.

That leaves bison %u2014 which generally move in large groups %u2014 as the animals most restricted by brucellosis containment efforts. It is too easy to keep the Bison within the park by making sure there is enough food away from the edges of the park.. Mass inoculations could also be an answer. officials to re-think the need to capture and slaughter bison that migrate outside the park to find food. Bison ar an iconic part of the American west and history of early America.  We need to do more to protect Bison and wild horses.
We the undersigned support alternative methods of protecting our iconic Bison herds  from mass slaughter so the ranchers may have more land and food mainly from public lands. We feel that other means of containment, feeding during tough times and mass inoculations could prevent these unnecessary culling.
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