Post-Residency Fees for Units 1 and 3

  • van: CUPE 3903
  • ontvanger: York Administration

Before 1996, graduate students paid a reduced fee after completing their course work. By canceling this post-residency fee, York University more than doubled the cost of graduate degrees in a single pen stroke.

The CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team and executive want to solve this problem at the bargaining table, but so far the employer has not shown any interest in this proposal. We need your help. If you support this proposal, sign here, and we will make sure the employer gets the message.

We, the undersigned, strongly believe that members of Unit 1 (grad students who teach) and Unit 3 (graduate and research assistants) who have completed their course work should not have to pay full tuition for a library card. We demand that York University agrees to restoring post-residency fees.

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