Save El Paso's Franklin Mountains


Most El Pasoans have no idea what is about to happen to the last and only scenic corridor in El Paso. Unless action is taken NOW, the beautiful views we all enjoy along Trans Mountain Road from I-10 to the Franklin Mountains State Park will soon resemble the two gateways near Cielo Vista Mall. The changes that are planned will be dramatic and shocking. If ever there was a time for action by all El Pasoans, that time is right now.    NEW - Learn about two petitions being circulated to registered voters in El Paso at

The Public Service Board land north and south of Trans Mountain Road is slated for commercial and residential development, changing this naturally scenic corridor, critical wildlife habitat, and potentially invaluable recreational land forever.  The coming expansion of Trans Mountain Road to a much wider Freeway with four lanes with frontage roads on each side, by the Texas Department of Transportation will accelerate this process. The only way to help protect this beautiful corridor of the Trans Mountain scenic corridor on the west side of the Franklin Mountains is re-zoning all publicly owned land of the City of El Paso as currently managed by the Public Service Board (public land owned by all El Pasoans) as Natural Open Space (NOS).

Therefore, we the undersigned urge the El Paso City Council to re-zone, as Natural Open Space, all publically-owned land between the Gas Line Road and the Franklin Mountains State Park as shown on the City's Northwest Master Plan both north and south of Trans Mountain Road.

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