Lets be honest with one another.  Saturday mail delivery has been an American tradition for as long as I can remember.  As a child, I would wait for the mailman and wait for him to bring our mail.  Being a child, this was a great treat.  Now, as an adult....I have become a mailman.  Being employed with the Postal Service for the last 25 years...and having seen so many changes.  Most recently, the changes have been negative.  With the advent of the internet, it appears that no one is writing REAL letters anymore.  They have become transfixed on the quickness and simplicity of EMAIL.  What the public does not fully realize is that, with every email sent...there is someone out ther, snatching up your every word.  And with every bill payed online....the chance for indentiy theft has increased dramatically. 

Sure, there are mail thefts, here and there from mailboxes around the country...but they are pale in comparison to what is going on within the internet.  Once you press the send button.....the whole world becomes privy to your most personal information. 

As a Carrier in the Post Office, I do not want to see the demise of Saturday delivery.  It would certainly create a negative domino affect that will eventually lead to the loss of many jobs.  Many families will be affected..within the Postal Service......and outside of the Postal Service. 

We have been there through the good times....letters from your son, who is serving in Iraq.  Birthday cards sent from a grandmother or grandfather.  The acceptance letter from a college.  The list goes on and on...

We are the only delivery service that delivers to EVERY address in the country, six days a week.  THE ONLY ONE.

Please sign the petition to keep the tradition alive.

Thank you for your time

Albert Valenzuela
Letter Carrier
San Jose CA
Seven Trees Station

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