Punish Animal Sexual Abusers Like This Disgusting Serial Pony Rapist.

What this man allegedly did doesn't bear description.

Add your name if you want to make sure he, and animal rapists like him, pay the price!

"Local police set up a sting operation to catch the 31-year-old man after discovering a number of ponies and horses with injuries to their back legs exhibiting trouble walking," according to The Daily Beast.

"On Thursday they charged Michael Riego, 31, of Hartly in Kent County, with two counts of felony bestiality and two counts of felony burglary in connection with the suspected serial rape of ponies dating back to September 2019. He is in jail pending $12,000 bail," they went on to say.

There's no reason to make this complicated.

People who rape animals deserve the worst possible punishment they can be given. Period.

That's why we're asking Bernie Sanders to lead a movement in Congress that would increase punishments for convicted animal abusers, especially those who abuse animals sexually.

He has been a long-term advocate for animal rights, and has co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to protect endangered species, as well as to combat animal cruelty. He's the perfect person for the job.

Don't you want to protect innocent animals from the likes of Michael Riego?

Then add your name to ask Senator Sanders to draft legislation that would punish animal abusers in the harshest possible way!

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